Found Megas and Tinys

There is a post in one of the other forum sections where a guy has a broken esc with an ATMega8 inside.

Where have you found Megas and Tinys and have you repurposed or otherwise hacked any 'in place' ?

Duane B

Paintball gun...,105400.0.html


Thats a cool place to have found and repurposed one, I guess I am not looking hard enough, the only place I have found one is in a Sega Dreamcast vibration unit. Its a unit that plugs into the controller and provides vibration feedback similar to that provided by playstation 'duo shock' controllers.

Duane B


Took a closer look and its a AT90S1200 in the Dreamcast vibration pack. Nothing to get too excited about.

Duane B

ATTINY13 in a multicolor LED light bulb: Part 2: Help Me Reverse Engineer An LED Light Bulb | Hackaday

I guess since I dont work for them anymore, a few samick digital pianos used atmega 128's to handle user input from the front panel. Otherwise a couple knock off XBOX 1 joysticks I have ran across used program once atmega somethings for the USB interface.

We would be using them at the place I work at now, but they are expensive ... for example I went out looking for a avr with lin bus on it, and the cheapest was around 99 cents in small-large quantities, well we can get a even smaller pic which is almost a perfect match for 60 cents ... and if we choose to use them in production we might be able to get them for 20.

so we will get out our hockey pucks and horrible toolchains :drooling_face: