I want to make the management of heating systems Four way valve with Arduino. Valve as this- Четырехходовые смесительные клапаны купить в Москве | Комфорт-Эко. I want to maintain a constant temperature in the valve output. The valve control motor unit has three wires-forward, rewind and GND. Maybe you have an algorithm for such management. Maybe you have an example, and you can share. I can not do it. Valve wanders back and forth ...
The picture shows a manually controlled mixer. It might be simpler to replace it with a pair of solenoid valves.
valve with a servo drive, as in this picture:
I just finished a very similar project with an UNO.
The sketch measures internal temperature, external temperature and water temperature, makes up a water temperature value based on these, then moves the valve. here is the sketch, feel free to reuse if you like it.
4way_valve.ino (8.92 KB)
Thanks, I'll try and let you know the results
Such a task should use the PID algorithm. I'll try to combine the following code
#include <PID_v1.h>
void loop()
Input = analogRead(0);
* turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
if(millis() - windowStartTime>WindowSize)
{ //time to shift the Relay Window
windowStartTime += WindowSize;
{ //PID thinks we shouldn't activate either relay. Do nothing
digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_close, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_open, HIGH);
else if(Output>0)
{ //Pid thinks we should be activating Relay_Valve_open
if(Output > millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_open,LOW);
else digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_open,HIGH);
else //PID thinks we should be activating Relay_Valve_close
if(-Output > millis() - windowStartTime) digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_close,LOW);
else digitalWrite(Relay_Valve_close,HIGH);
emzeperx, alvydas001, I have two questions:
- do you use NTC sensor and the value,
- which is a scheme to connect key (button)?
Thank you
- I use ds18b20 sensors.
- I use Dfrobot LCD Key pad and MenuBackend library.
this code works fine:
The valve is closing / is opening 6 seconds
Pause for 20 seconds
If the difference input-setpoint is less than 2 degrees, closing time 4 seconds + difference
If the difference input-setpoint is more than 10 degrees, timeout=0
/* ******************************************************************************* */
void Four_way_valve_control()
/* ********* OPEN VALVE ***************** */
if (Input_t <= SetPoint_t -1.5 && Valve_stop == true && Valve_closing == false && millis() > Valve_opening_time){
valve_error = SetPoint_t -1.5 -Input_t;
if (valve_error <= 2){ // if the difference is small
Valve_stop = false; // valve moving
Valve_opening = true;
Valve_pause = millis() + 6000 - 2000 + (valve_error * 1000);
digitalWrite(RelayPinClose, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RelayPinOpen, LOW);
Valve_stop = false;
Valve_opening = true;
Valve_pause = millis() + 6000;
digitalWrite(RelayPinClose, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RelayPinOpen, LOW);
/* ********* P A U S E 20 second after each valve switching ***************** */
if (Valve_stop == false && millis() > Valve_pause) {
//If the difference is greater than 10 degrees,
if (Input_t > SetPoint_t + 10) { //there is no pause
Valve_closing_time = millis();
Valve_opening_time = millis();
Valve_stop = true;
} else {
Valve_pause = millis() + 20000;
Valve_closing_time = Valve_pause;
Valve_opening_time = Valve_pause;
Valve_stop = true;
digitalWrite(RelayPinClose, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RelayPinOpen, HIGH);
/* ********* CLOSE VALVE ***************** */
if (Input_t >= SetPoint_t + 1.5 && Valve_stop == true && Valve_opening == false && millis() > Valve_closing_time){
valve_error = Input_t - SetPoint_t + 1.5;
if (valve_error > 2){// if the difference is small
Valve_stop = false;
Valve_closing = true;
Valve_pause = millis() + 6000 - 2000 + (valve_error * 1000);
digitalWrite(RelayPinOpen, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RelayPinClose, LOW);
Valve_stop = false;
Valve_closing = true;
Valve_pause = millis() + 6000;
digitalWrite(RelayPinOpen, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RelayPinClose, LOW);
alvydas001, I would ask you if you can to post your code, so that we beginners can correctly understand and apply learned. Greetings
of course, but all my comments Lithuanian language .
P. S. I'm really not a very good programmer...
OOoooo big thank you, language is not a problem,
There is a always google translate
hi Yovca,
I used tmp36gz for temperature sensing, and this schematic for buttons (2nd pic):
all timings can be set with the predefined variables. easy to find the right one, just check the comments
Thanks, emzeperx