There are 3 files to put in the project folder you will need to make in your Sketchbook attached below. --- update, get the newer versions posted farther down and you can make button arrays.
The library takes care of contact debouncing and tracking changes of state. It runs the button and your sketch can get non-blocking meaningful status replies to read calls. If all you care about is when a switch was just thrown then you just if() for just ON and just OFF and ignore the rest.
Here's the example set for pin 2 and a long 20ms debounce, my switch is a jumper touching flat
metal. The contact is 'dirty'. If the pin slides, it falses badly. Otherwise you can see how fast you
tap, serial monitor shows last stable state and time as millis. Subtract millis() to get interval.
I can tap pressed to released in under 100ms with a jumper pin on the USB connector box.
/* buttonclass example -- by GoForSmoke 2015 for public domain use
This uses a button or switch or jumper from pin 2 to GND.
Depending on switch, debounce value may need tuning.
Button output is a state value for use in the main sketch code.
-1, Undecided, pin state changed at least debounce-time ago.
0, button currently still not pressed.
1, button currently still pressed.
2, button released since last checked by sketch.
3, button pressed since last checked by sketch.
The main sketch may need to track previous output state for real dirty
switches. A clean switch can work with 3 ms debounce. I use 20 here.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "buttonlib.h"
buttonclass user( 2, 20U ); // pin # and debounce ms get compiled to flash, U is unsigned.
const byte ledpin = 13;
void setup()
Serial.begin( 115200 );
Serial.println( F( "\n Startup\n" ));
pinMode( ledpin, OUTPUT ); // default is INPUT LOW, now is OUTPUT LOW
void loop()
static byte buttonRead; // allocated once, used often
user.runButton(); // turns the crank once per loop(), make sure it runs often!
// now using button data to change blink rate
buttonRead = user.readOutput();
if ( buttonRead == 3 ) // 1st read since pressed
digitalWrite( ledpin, HIGH );
Serial.print( F( "button pressed millis() == " ));
Serial.println( millis());
else if ( buttonRead == 2 )
digitalWrite( ledpin, LOW );
Serial.print( F( "button released millis() == " ));
Serial.println( millis());
Serial.println( );
buttonexample.ino (1.84 KB)
buttonlib.h (1.22 KB)
buttonlib.cpp (1.52 KB)