I have purchased a Freeduino kit, I have assembled it and got it working: I plug it on my PC with the USB cable, the red power light is powered and the RX/TX green lights blink 3 times. (1 Time very quickly then 2 times slower).
So after that, my USB port is set (COM5) so I am ready to try the "Blink" Example in the arduino IDE. I make sure to select the right board to work with freeduino with Atmega328.
Then I Upload the Blink code to the freeduino board, and I get these errors:
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51
I tried to troobleshout on my own, I read other people's thread that had this problem but no success.
Well I usually advice to first check out the communications link between your PC and your board.
Unplug the 328 chip and place it aside.
Wire a jumper between pins 0 and 1.
plug your board into your PC, you should hear a bell that it recongizes the USB connection.
Launch the Arduino IDE
Select the proper serial port number in the Arduino tools menu.
Click on the Arduino serial monitor.
If you type characters in the serial monitor send box and press send you should see the same characters 'echoed' back in the serial monitors receive window.
If all that works then we can proceed with some other checks later, but first it's best to establish that your PC and the boards USB link is functioning correctly.
The back side of your board seems to show a lot of solder gaps and looks to be cold solder. Use a little more heat and little long, and using flux core solder give that whole board a once-over. Some of joints have enough solder so you might want to just use a flux pen on them and touch them up.