not updating?

the website is not updating new arduino pages??

Apparently not. Occasionally things change.
It is mainly links to other pages so I would not have thought that much needs updating.
What pages are not currently being updated?


I mean, they are not adding new links :slight_smile:

Quote from the frontpage:

Last update: February 4th, 2010

Yeah well I think that the guy who does it is a busy man so if someone submitted new links, maybe they would get on. As I think it is a part time venture for him I presume he can't spend all his time looking for links.


maybe im a bit dumb, but cant find a place to send links

To suggest a link,

Hmm, yeah I wonder...

send them to at the email address on the main page and we will post them here.

Anyone see an address?

Who does it again? Are they watching? I know they sneak around the forums occasionally :slight_smile:


I usually update once I've got five or so links that people have submitted- about once a month. Send your links to !