Hello, First I apologize for my bad english.
I need help. My project use freeRTOS code. The more simple srtructure of FreeRTOS is that (for example):
#include <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h>
void TaskBlink( void *pvParameters );
void setup(){
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
, (const portCHAR *) "Blink"
, 128
, 1
, NULL );
void TaskBlink(void *pvParameters){
for (;;){
// my code
Well, I need have a fuctions declared into "for(;;)" like "void first(int a)" or "int second(char *b)". And execute calls from these fuctions declared. Always, both functions as calls to these, into for(;
I have a problem becouse it doesn't allow define a fuction inside other fuction(the fuction declared for FreeRTOS structure)
I need a solution but I dont want a switch, case 0, case 1, etc becouse these system is very hard for my large code. I have, i.e, a fuction wich compares strings and I use these fuction constantly in many moments.