quiero recibir datos con un sensor tactil que funciona como un potenciometro (es el mismo sensor utilizado para la Ribbon R2M de Doepfer), y utilizar estos valores con max/msp.
he conseguido instalar los drivers, la SimpleMessageSystem library, etc. y Arduino2Max_v4.
Consigo recibir valores del sensor instalado en un input analogico, pero tengo problemas con la frequencia de muestreo.
dentro del patch hay dos frequencias a controlar:
A: "Change how often MAX asks the Arduino for serial data: 10 miliseconds is the default."
B: "Change how often MAX reads the computer's serial port for incoming data. Making this too slow will cause crashes! 2 milliseconds is the default."
he estado experimentando con ambas y parece ser que cuando trabajo por encima de aproximadamente 100 milisegundos las respuestas son correctas, pero por debajo de 50 milisegundos en vez de augmentar la velocidad de muestreo esta disminuye, y cuando bajo de 10 milisegunos el patch deja de funcionar hasta que vuelvo a cambiar por encima de 10 milisegundos.
de hecho no consigo obtener mas de 10 valores por segundo.
tal vez hay una incompatibilidad con la frequencia del propio puerto USB de mi ordenador? (trabajo con un PC)
como puedo conseguir el maximo de velocidad de respuesta?
my Spanish is limited to Babelfish.. but since I wrote that help patch for Arduino2max, I thought I would clarify:
A: "Change how often MAX asks the for Arduino serial data: 10 miliseconds is the default."
This is how often MAX sends a request for pin data to the Arduino
B: "Change how often MAX reads the computer's port for incoming data."
This is how often the contents of the serial port buffer get read by MAX.
now we need a English2Spanish and a Spanish2English patch!
sorry, i thought that i could write in spanish since i was in the Spanish link.
I want to get data form a touch sensor that works as a potenciometer (is the same sensor used in R2M by Doepfer), and use this data in max/msp.
I have instaled the drivers, the SimpleMessageSystem library, etc. and Arduino2Max_v4.
I can get data from the sensor pluged into an analog input, but I have problems with the frequency of this incoming data.
in the patch i can change two frequencies:
A: "Change how often MAX asks the Arduino for serial data: 10 miliseconds is the default."
B: "Change how often MAX reads the computer's serial port for incoming data. Making this too slow will cause crashes! 2 milliseconds is the default."
I have been trying to change both frequencies, and it looks like when i choose 100 miliseconds or uper, everyhing is ok. but when i go below 70 or 60 miliseconds, then the velocity of incoming data gets slower instead of increasing... and when i go below 10 miliseconds for "how often MAX asks the Arduino for serial data" then the patch just stops working.
Actually I can never get more than 10 incoming values per second...
Check in software> troubleshooting, where I had some ideas for improving the read speed. It would be great if you can improve the patch/software, and repost it to the Playground with a higher version number!