Now I'm going to make up a arduino pro mini sine wave generator which is able to change the frequency by pushing tact switches.
However, I'm in trouble...
Pushing switches make change the "value" on the code, but the changed "value" doesn't makes any effect on the sine wave output.
Give me some advice to fix it.
/* http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/LibraryTutorial */
/* http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/22250A.pdf */
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <MCP4922.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "SineWaveTable.h"
//MCP4922 DAC(51,52,53,5); // (MOSI,SCK,CS,LDAC) define Connections for MEGA_board,
//MCP4922 DAC(11,13,10,5); // (MOSI,SCK,CS,LDAC) define Connections for UNO_board,
MCP4922 DAC(11,13,10,5); // (MOSI,SCK,CS,LDAC) define Connections for pro_mini_board,
volatile int value = 30;
const int plusbuttonPin = 2; const int minusbuttonPin = 3;
const int LEDPin1 = 9; const int LEDPin2 = 8; int i = 0;
void setup(void)
void loop(void)
unsigned long nowmicros = micros(); unsigned long prevmicros;
if (nowmicros - prevmicros > value){
prevmicros = nowmicros;
DAC.Set(pgm_read_word(&(DACLookup_FullSine_8Bit[i])),4095- pgm_read_word(&(DACLookup_FullSine_8Bit[i])));
if (i>255){
i = 0;
Serial.print("value: ");
Serial.print(" SineWave: ");
void button(void){
volatile unsigned long now = millis();
unsigned long prev = 0; unsigned long interval = 200;
if (now - prev > interval){
prev = now;
bool buttonStateplus = digitalRead(plusbuttonPin);
bool buttonStateminus = digitalRead(minusbuttonPin);
if (buttonStateplus == LOW){
else if (buttonStateminus == LOW){
else {
if (value > 100){
value = 30;
if (value < 0){
value = 30;
const PROGMEM uint16_t DACLookup_FullSine_8Bit [256] =
2048, 2098, 2148, 2198, 2248, 2298, 2348, 2398,
2447, 2496, 2545, 2594, 2642, 2690, 2737, 2784,
2831, 2877, 2923, 2968, 3013, 3057, 3100, 3143,
3185, 3226, 3267, 3307, 3346, 3385, 3423, 3459,
3495, 3530, 3565, 3598, 3630, 3662, 3692, 3722,
3750, 3777, 3804, 3829, 3853, 3876, 3898, 3919,
3939, 3958, 3975, 3992, 4007, 4021, 4034, 4045,
4056, 4065, 4073, 4080, 4085, 4089, 4093, 4094,
4095, 4094, 4093, 4089, 4085, 4080, 4073, 4065,
4056, 4045, 4034, 4021, 4007, 3992, 3975, 3958,
3939, 3919, 3898, 3876, 3853, 3829, 3804, 3777,
3750, 3722, 3692, 3662, 3630, 3598, 3565, 3530,
3495, 3459, 3423, 3385, 3346, 3307, 3267, 3226,
3185, 3143, 3100, 3057, 3013, 2968, 2923, 2877,
2831, 2784, 2737, 2690, 2642, 2594, 2545, 2496,
2447, 2398, 2348, 2298, 2248, 2198, 2148, 2098,
2048, 1997, 1947, 1897, 1847, 1797, 1747, 1697,
1648, 1599, 1550, 1501, 1453, 1405, 1358, 1311,
1264, 1218, 1172, 1127, 1082, 1038, 995, 952,
910, 869, 828, 788, 749, 710, 672, 636,
600, 565, 530, 497, 465, 433, 403, 373,
345, 318, 291, 266, 242, 219, 197, 176,
156, 137, 120, 103, 88, 74, 61, 50,
39, 30, 22, 15, 10, 6, 2, 1,
0, 1, 2, 6, 10, 15, 22, 30,
39, 50, 61, 74, 88, 103, 120, 137,
156, 176, 197, 219, 242, 266, 291, 318,
345, 373, 403, 433, 465, 497, 530, 565,
600, 636, 672, 710, 749, 788, 828, 869,
910, 952, 995, 1038, 1082, 1127, 1172, 1218,
1264, 1311, 1358, 1405, 1453, 1501, 1550, 1599,
1648, 1697, 1747, 1797, 1847, 1897, 1947, 1997