Hi there,
For our 2nd semester in the university we were given a DEAP polymer string(stretch sensor) and asked to implement it in
our semester project. We decided to make something like a trivia boardgame and use the sensor as a controller. The stretch sensor is called PolyPower, which is a capacitive sensor where the capacitance increases when stretched. (datasheet attached)
We used a 555 timer Astable oscillator circuit to generate a square wave and send the signal to the Arduino. We used the pulseIn() function to read the frequency from the arduino pins(2,3) and the problem arised. We have trouble saving a single value to a variable ( problem is commented in the attached code) - the function was taken from here NameBright - Coming Soon
/* Variables for the pulsein freqMeasurement*/
// period of pulse accumulation and serial output, milliseconds
#define MainPeriod 100
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time of the cycle end
volatile unsigned long duration=0; // accumulates pulse width
volatile unsigned int pulsecount=0;
volatile unsigned long previousMicros=0;
long previousMillis2 = 0; // will store last time of the cycle end
volatile unsigned long duration2=0; // accumulates pulse width
volatile unsigned int pulsecount2=0;
volatile unsigned long previousMicros2=0;
float Freq1 = 0;
float Freq2 = 0;
/* Game variables */
const int button = 7;
int flag = 1;
boolean time_runs_out = false;
/* player variables*/
int pewpew = 0;
int player1adjust = 0;
int player2adjust = 0;
int player1locked = 0;
int player2locked = 0;
int player1LED = 13;
int player1_initF = 0;
int player2_initF = 0;
void setup()
attachInterrupt(0, myinthandler, RISING);
attachInterrupt(1, myinthandler2, RISING);
pinMode(button, INPUT);
pinMode(player1LED, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if(flag == 1){
player1_initF = Freq1; // Problem assigning this value ? For some reason is allways 0 ? even though Freq1 has a value
flag = 0;
if (player1_initF >= 505) {
Serial.println("TOO BIG");
int buttonstate = digitalRead(button);
if(1 == 1){
player1locked = (player1_initF - Freq1);
Serial.println(map(Freq1, 325, 390, 100, 0));
void freqMeasure(){
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
unsigned long currentMillis2 = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= MainPeriod)
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// need to bufferize to avoid glitches
unsigned long _duration = duration;
unsigned long _pulsecount = pulsecount;
duration = 0; // clear counters
pulsecount = 0;
Freq1 = 1e6 / float(_duration);
Freq1 *= _pulsecount; // calculate F
// output time and frequency data to RS232
if (currentMillis2 - previousMillis2 >= MainPeriod)
previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
// need to bufferize to avoid glitches
unsigned long _duration2 = duration2;
unsigned long _pulsecount2 = pulsecount2;
duration2 = 0; // clear counters
pulsecount2 = 0;
Freq2 = 1e6 / float(_duration2);
Freq2 *= _pulsecount2; // calculate F
// output time and frequency data to RS232
void myinthandler() // interrupt handler
unsigned long currentMicros = micros();
duration += currentMicros - previousMicros;
previousMicros = currentMicros;
void myinthandler2() // interrupt handler
unsigned long currentMicros2 = micros();
duration2 += currentMicros2 - previousMicros2;
previousMicros2 = currentMicros2;
For any questions about anything, ask...
Thanks in advance !