I try to implement a lighting console which should react to a analog microphone input with the arduino UNO. I would like it to change colors according to the pitch.
Is this even possible via the analog input? The only thing I can read is the volume.
The code should run on the arduino alone (without processing).
See this thread for a very recent discussion on this:-
how easy would it be to get the arduino to flash an led and beep when it heard a sound of a certain (high) frequency ?
I would use a PWM output to drive the led to indicate the volume level iso flashing.
how do you get an arduino to analyse sound ?
i saw the link to the software that displayed a graphic equaliser
do you have to record the sound and then split it into different frequencies
can it be done in real time ?
It is calleda fourier analyses - search for FFT in the right upper - and you might find a lot of threads including - http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,56540.0.html -