Fried my board

I had my breadboard wired wrong and put 12v into the VIN. Now it won't connect to my computer and the loaded sketch is not running. What can I do to fix it? I have a SainSmart Uno R3 with a Mega328P on Windows 7.

Applying +12vdc to the Vin pin would not cause a failure. Something else must have happened.

I had a voltage regulator on the breadboard, was checking it with a multimeter and touched 2 pins with 1 probe. It started smoking. I also had a diode in the wrong way and smoked that. I also accidentally plugged 12v into the +5 instead of the Vin. It was a bad day. Would any of those cause it?

plugged 12v into the +5 instead of the Vin. It was a bad day. Would any of those cause it?

That would do it. Best to get a new board.

Just picked up a new one. If anyone can tell me how I might repair the old one, it would be appreciated.