From Arduino To PC image Sending

Hi everyone, I would love to see your opinions about my proje steps. I have to say that ı am liitle bit confused about some decisions.

I want to take pictures (daily) of a water meter or gas meter with arduino and arduino cam shield, after that ı need to send this images to pc with using ethernet shield or wifi shield. Also I will write C# interface to watch the numbers of meter and make some energy&consumption analysis day by day.

But I am not sure that ı should use Wi-Fi shield or ethernet shield. What is your opinion ? Which one is easier or better?

Somewhere in this progress, I need to read the numbers on pictures and save these numbers as digital values. Where do ı excatly do this image processing ? On Arduino or on C# ?

Thx for returns. Best regards.

Image processing is memory intensive. Not something you would do on an Arduino if you can avoid it.

From a coding perspective, there's no significant difference between wifi and ethernet. The more major consideration is which is available in the area where you going to put the Arduino.

The fact that a file contains an image or sound or data is not relevant to how it is transferred. It is transferred in the same way as any other data. However, the Arduino does not have enough memory to store a complete image, so you must extract it from the shield a bit at a time, say a line at a time and send it to the other system. It is at the other end that you store this file with an appropriate file type extension. Depending on the size of the file this could take many minutes to compleat.

But I am not sure that ı should use Wi-Fi shield or Ethernet shield. What is your opinion ? Which one is easier or better?

Arguably neither.

You want Wifi? Use an ESP8266. Forget using another Arduino as the ESP itself is substantially more capable.

According to What You Guys Say, it is better NOT using Arduino :smiley:

What about Rasbperry Pi then ? Ethernet included and much more memory to use. What You guys think ?


An RPi would be much more suitable for dealing with images.


Yes I would agree the Pi is much more suitable. The most supported language on that platform is Python but you can also program in C++ like the Arduino.