I've been trying to make the FTDI UartSBee V4 and X-CTU recognize my two xbees but I'm kinda stumped as to what to check next?
I'll start off by saying that I'm able to have X-CTU read the xbees through the arduino(with a blank sketch) and seedstudios x-bee shield and I can write and make changes etc. so I'm good to go here. So I'm narrowing it down to the UartSBee adapter.
here's the adapter:
here's seedstudio's wiki which is the same piece:
what I've done and tried:
~when I plug it in the COM port says it's "working properly" it displays the drivers firmware and company
~when I start X-CTU it sees the COM PORT
~the Xbee "on" LED is on
~the xbee "assoc" LED blinks (this also blinks on the working xbee shield)
~I receive an error when doing the "test/query"
~press reset and the error goes away but still is unable to complete the test
again all these steps were performed exactly the same way with the arduino and the xbee shield with working results.
so I tried:
~restarting the computer
~deleting/reinstalling X-CTU
~uninstalling/reinstalling FTDI driver/board
~installing the same FTDI driver that the arduino is using (older firmware w/arduino duemilanove 328)
~updating back to the newest firmware
~tried running X-CTU as an XP compatible program
~switched USB cables
~I tried the loopback test:
I used the arduino serial monitor and when I typed the numbers/letters I can see both the TX/RX LED's flash, I know there flashing but I'm unsure how bright they should be as I'm only typing in a few characters at a time but they are present. I'm not receiving any characters back to the monitor though.
I've also tried putty but I can't get it to OK after the "+++". The xbees are series 1 and by default they came with the second last/latest update, I wanted to wait before updating to the newest. I'm also using windows 7.
If anyone has any ideas or anything else I can try it would be appreciated.
edit: looking at this now it looks like it may be in the wrong section? feel free to move it.