Hello, I'm using te standard Ethernet2 library and the Example web server sketch. I would love to see the full network information such as the ipaddress, subnetmask, gateway and dns. I can not figure out a way how to do that and Wondering If it is possible to see the full information in serial monitor?
that's now your 4th thread in the context of "Networking" in the last days. Can you pls explain in ONE thread what you really have and what you really want to achieve?
Regarding your question: if you have a DHCP server in your network, you just gather an IP by DHCP and afterwards you know the ip, subnet, gateway and DNS.
Please move your post by editing the tile to a better sub forum like "Using Arduino / Networking"
Hello juraj I have a updated question. Is it possible to see If and what Vlan my arduino is on? Sometimes I can't remember what port is on what lan or Vlan and it is a pain to login and go through all my network settings just to find what port is on what? I never tag my ports with some type of know for personal reasons I guess.
I don't understand what you ask. If there are multiple local networks they should have different network part of the IP address. like 192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x