Full Sketch Compilation Error

The Full Sketch at https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/giga-display-shield/image-orientation#using-another-image generates the following error message:

/tmp/arduino/sketches/B9C1DB1DFFF522B3993CFF15FBD487D0/sketch/GigaDisplayShieldIMU_original.ino.cpp.o: In function `setup':
/home/user/Arduino/GigaDisplayShieldIMU_original/GigaDisplayShieldIMU_original.ino:21: undefined reference to `img_arduinologo'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

I've checked that my cut-and-paste is identical to the original example (and therefore refrained from posting the source code here, sorry). What is the work around? Thanks.


This is telling you your code is trying to access the above but it does not exist. Without the source this is about the best I can do. It is highly possible this is being referenced from one of the include files. I use Linux as well and for me it works great.

Thanks for your reply. As mentioned in the note, I refrained from posting the source code because I provided a link to it.

FWIW, I understand the semantics of the error message but I am having some difficulty locating the corresponding API docs. Whatever I've found are either Doxygen output with no comments or code that ran on prior boards (but cannot be reproduced in the GIGA eco-system). The challenge is to understand the relation between the 1st parameter of the Display.image method/function and the LVGL pre-processor directives that store the .bin image file in a local variable.


Issue resolved. Found the documentation at the LVGL GitHub site. My learning pace is slow.



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What was the solution ?

I tried to compile it, and it does indeed not compile.
Beside that error, I get a ridiculous amount of warnings (I have set the Compiler Warnings to "All" in the preferences).

Hello @Koepel,

I am at a loss for words! My original issue (using a custom image with the IMU) has not been resolved. I was trying to explain the issue with granularity. It was interpreted as a duplicate issue. So I'll simply move on. Sorry.
