I'm having a very hard time to understand why my program is executing a section of code sometimes once (as designed) and sometimes is running through it twice.
The part of the code is meant to flash an OUTPUT by set number of times, sometimes its the correct amount and sometimes its double; I have no idea why at this point.
Here is the section with the flashing function:
void flash() // flash function
currentFlashMillis = millis(); // flash function start time
if (!doingFlashing) // if flash button was not tapped before (first flash) start timing
doingFlashing = true; // starting flash function
startFlashMillis = currentFlashMillis; // start timing of first flash
tapAuxLight = false; // tap now done
if (((currentFlashMillis - startFlashMillis) >= flashTime) && (NFlashes < (flashQTY*2))) // if flash time has elapsed, flip light status. Increment NFlashes and save time.
startFlashMillis = currentFlashMillis;
if (HL1Status == LOW) {
HL1Status = HIGH;
else {
HL1Status = LOW;
if (NFlashes > ((flashQTY*2)-1)) // once flashQTY is done, stop flashing.
NFlashes = 0;
doingFlashing = false;
In this section the flashQTY is 3, so it cycles and increments 6 times to make it turn on and then off 3 times, but sometimes its cycling 12 times?!
The function is triggered by the duration at which a button is pressed, maybe there is an error here which is causing it to cycle twice?
void checkAuxLight() // function which checks for how long the aux light button was pressed
currentAuxLightMillis = millis();
// is aux light button was pressed, set to pressed, and start timing
if (!pressedAuxLight) {
pressedAuxLight = true;
startAuxLightMillis = currentAuxLightMillis;
// if aux light was pressed for short time, set to tapped aux light
if (!digitalRead(auxLightPin) && ((currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis)) < holdAuxTime && ((currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis) > errorAuxTime)) {
tapAuxLight = true;
pressedAuxLight = false;
// if aux light was pressed for long time, set to hold aux light
if (digitalRead(auxLightPin) && (currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis) > holdAuxTime && !(waitAuxLight == true)) {
holdAuxLight = !holdAuxLight;
waitAuxLight = true;
if (!digitalRead(auxLightPin) && waitAuxLight == true) {
pressedAuxLight = false;
waitAuxLight = false;
Here is the full code for those that may find it useful:
Any help is very much appreciated as its just not consistent.
// Pin detail
const int HL1RelayPin = 7;
const int HL2RelayPin = 4;
const int HLMainPin = 8;
const int auxLightPin = 9;
// Headlight program variables
bool HL1Status;
bool HL2Status;
bool pressedAuxLight;
bool waitAuxLight;
bool tapAuxLight;
bool holdAuxLight;
bool doingFlashing;
int NFlashes = 0;
int flashQTY = 3;
unsigned long startFlashMillis;
unsigned long currentFlashMillis;
unsigned long startAuxLightMillis;
unsigned long currentAuxLightMillis;
const long flashTime = 150; // timing between each flash state
const long errorAuxTime = 50; //
const long holdAuxTime = 1000; // time required to press aux light button for hold function
void setup()
pinMode(HLMainPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // main head light switch pin
pinMode(HL1RelayPin, OUTPUT); // relay which control head light 1 pin
pinMode(HL2RelayPin, OUTPUT); // relat which controls head light 2 pin
pinMode(auxLightPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // flash button pin
digitalWrite(HL1RelayPin, LOW); // initial LOW setting
digitalWrite(HL2RelayPin, LOW); //
// head light parameters
HL1Status = false; // initial setting to false
HL2Status = false; // initial setting to false
pressedAuxLight = false; // initial setting to false
waitAuxLight = false; // initial setting to false
holdAuxLight = false; // initial setting to false
doingFlashing = false; // initial setting to false
void checkAuxLight() // function which checks for how long the aux light button was pressed
currentAuxLightMillis = millis();
// is aux light button was pressed, set to pressed, and start timing
if (!pressedAuxLight) {
pressedAuxLight = true;
startAuxLightMillis = currentAuxLightMillis;
// if aux light was pressed for short time, set to tapped aux light
if (!digitalRead(auxLightPin) && ((currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis)) < holdAuxTime && ((currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis) > errorAuxTime)) {
tapAuxLight = true;
pressedAuxLight = false;
// if aux light was pressed for long time, set to hold aux light
if (digitalRead(auxLightPin) && (currentAuxLightMillis - startAuxLightMillis) > holdAuxTime && !(waitAuxLight == true)) {
holdAuxLight = !holdAuxLight;
waitAuxLight = true;
if (!digitalRead(auxLightPin) && waitAuxLight == true) {
pressedAuxLight = false;
waitAuxLight = false;
void flash() // flash function
currentFlashMillis = millis(); // flash function start time
if (!doingFlashing) // if flash button was not tapped before (first flash) start timing
doingFlashing = true; // starting flash function
startFlashMillis = currentFlashMillis; // start timing of first flash
tapAuxLight = false; // tap now done
if (((currentFlashMillis - startFlashMillis) >= flashTime) && (NFlashes < (flashQTY*2))) // if flash time has elapsed, flip light status. Increment NFlashes and save time.
startFlashMillis = currentFlashMillis;
if (HL1Status == LOW) {
HL1Status = HIGH;
else {
HL1Status = LOW;
if (NFlashes > ((flashQTY*2)-1)) // once flashQTY is done, stop flashing.
NFlashes = 0;
doingFlashing = false;
void headLights()
digitalWrite(HL1RelayPin, HL1Status); // output head light 1 status
digitalWrite(HL2RelayPin, HL2Status); // output head light 2 status
HL2Status = digitalRead(HLMainPin); // set HL2Status to main head light switch
if (digitalRead(auxLightPin) || pressedAuxLight) // if button is aux light button is pressed, check aux light button timing
if (digitalRead(HLMainPin) && !doingFlashing) // if main head light switch is on, and not flashing
if(holdAuxLight) // if hold aux is on then turn HL1 on
HL1Status = true;
HL1Status = false;
if (!digitalRead(HLMainPin) && !doingFlashing) // if main head light switch is on, and not flashing
HL1Status = false;
if (tapAuxLight || doingFlashing) // if the aux light button is tapped or was tapped (before resetting) then do flash function
void loop()