Function Generator Advice?

Just got my first O-scope, so in need of a Function Generator! :slight_smile: (oooooooh its exciting!)

Was just after some advice on if I should go DIY, Kit, Vintage, software etc

Depending on what you want to do you might have little use for a function generator. I haven't used mine for about five years.
I would go for a DIY one unless you have a specific requirement, like a calibrated output.

Will mainly be using for audio applications like setting gain, testing amps, looking at diode clipping and so only need audible range.

If it is for audio then a good low distortion sin wave is what you need, I would look on ebay for something old but good.

Thanks for coming to my rescue as always Mike! :slight_smile:

Tooooooo Ebayyyyyyyy!

There is an arduino dds project that might work for you as well. [ /url]