Function somehow impacting un-referenced variables

Hi, I'm building an augmented reality game where uses earn points by tagging an RFID reader. A strip of WS8212 LEDs serves as an information display (depicting whose turn, current score, etc.).
I'm experiencing a bug that I've narrowed down to one LED lighting function that if I comment out, disappears. Essentially, the bug is this:

All player points are kept in an int array playerScores[11]. But when I call waitingPlayerLed() on line 136 so the LEDs show the color of the player whose turn it is, somehow the value in playerScores[1] unexpectedly jumps to 255. It should remain as-is unless called by addPlayerPoint(playerTurn) on line 146.

The thing is, there's no functionality inside waitingPlayerLed() that references playerScores[]. All I can think of is something in the fastLED library that may be point to a memory location? ideas? Thanks in advance!



//PN532 code ; If using the PN532 with I2C, define the pins connected to the IRQ and reset lines as well.
//You MUST ALSO CONNECT SDA & SCL with i2c Mode! (Nano pins A4/A5) -Josh
#define PN532_IRQ   (2)
#define PN532_RESET (3)

//fastLED definitions

#define LED_PIN     7
#define COLOR_ORDER GRB  // interesting...
#define CHIPSET     WS2812
#define NUM_LEDS    40
#define BASE_LED    8   // the first LEDs on the bottom to be used 
#define BRIGHTNESS  50 // up to 255


#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_PN532.h>
// use this line for a breakout or shield with an I2C connection:
Adafruit_PN532 nfc(PN532_IRQ, PN532_RESET); //

#include <FastLED.h> //See fastLED example file fire2012 for original code comments and explanation

//Global Variables

//Game settings
long roundLength = 5000; //in milliseconds
byte numOfRounds = 4;
long rndExpireTime = 30000; // when set by pendingPlayer(), sets the millis time that ends the round
byte numOfPlayers = 2;

//Rfid  info
byte uid[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };  // Buffer to store the returned Uid from Library
byte uidLength;                        // Length of the Uid (4 or 7 ints depending on ISO14443A card type)
byte playerColors [11][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {255, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 255}}; //player x RGB/HSV value
byte playerIDs [11][4]; // first dimension (11) is the number of possible players; 2nd is for the 4 blocks of RFID #
// note that for a 10 player game, I've reserved 11 spaces; this is because int playerTurn
//points to the player number in the array so instead of [0][], player one's uid is at playerIDs [1]
byte p1ID[] = {60, 166, 231, 11}; //red tag I think
byte p2ID[] = {76, 132, 231, 11}; // hard coded for now
bool success = 0;

//Misc bg processes etc.
byte currentRound = 1;
bool gameOver = 0;
bool gameIsLive = 0;
int playerScores[11]; // playerScores[0] = coop group score; playerScores[1]=p1 score; can make this multi-dimensional for roundscores
//round victor calculated by comparing p
byte playerTurn = 1;
int tagDebounce = 200; //used as milliseconds between tagReads before it's recognized
unsigned long lastTagTime = 0;
byte timerPos = 0;
byte hsTimerLum = 0; // 40 or whatever. an independent array on which to do math for the timer
byte pNumJustTagged;
long currentMillis;

void setup(void) {

  //For PN532
  nfc.setPassiveActivationRetries(2); //keeps code from searching for card indefinitely
  uint32_t versiondata = nfc.getFirmwareVersion();
  if (! versiondata) {
    Serial.print("Didn't find PN53x board");
    while (1); // halt
  // Got ok data, print it out!
  Serial.print("Found chip PN5"); Serial.println((versiondata >> 24) & 0xFF, HEX);  Serial.print("Firmware ver. "); Serial.print((versiondata >> 16) & 0xFF, DEC);  Serial.print('.'); Serial.println((versiondata >> 8) & 0xFF, DEC);
  Serial.println("Waiting for an ISO14443A Card ...");
  //End PN532 setup code: see pn532 example sketch included with library

  FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
  FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );

  //My Code
  assignPlayer(1, p1ID); //make sure to adjust the TotalPlayers variable
  assignPlayer(2, p2ID);

}//end setup

//    Loop
void loop() {

  //clear tag variables
  memset(uid, 0, sizeof(uid)); // clears uid[]
  success = 0;
  pNumJustTagged = 0; //This variable holds the player number that just tagged the reader; only calculated once/loop and cleared at the begnning

  currentMillis = millis();
  getUid(); // triggers success = 1, populates uid

  //Tag events
  if (success && currentMillis - lastTagTime > tagDebounce) { //what player # just tagged?
    pNumJustTagged = whoTagged();
    lastTagTime = currentMillis;

  //waiting for player to begin
  if (!gameIsLive && !gameOver) { //if it's not live or over, it must be waiting for the first player
    if (currentRound <= numOfRounds) {
      //Serial.println("currentRound <= numOfRounds");
      //don't need to check the timer
      waitingPlayerLed(); //this works but for some reason makes p1 score 255 after first round

    } else {
      gameOver = 1;
  // LIVE gameplay
  if (gameIsLive) {
    if (playerTurn == pNumJustTagged) {

  if (gameOver) {
    //victor animation
    //LCD scores

  // LED display to reflect playerTurn, time left, & all player scores
  //HS stands for High Score Game; // display this frame
  FastLED.delay(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
  //Serial.println("//end main loop");

} //end main loop



void waitingPlayerLed() {
  for (int b = 8; b <= 40; b++) {
    leds[b].r = playerColors[playerTurn][0];
    leds[b].g = playerColors[playerTurn][1];
    leds[b].b = playerColors[playerTurn][2];; // display this frame
} //end waitingPlayerLed

void addPointAnimate() {
  Serial.println("addPointAnimate() rolling");


byte whoTagged () {
  byte x;
  for (x = 1; x <= numOfPlayers; x++) {
    if (tagMatch(uid, playerIDs[x])) //when running for loops, make sure no conflicting local variable names are inheritted
      return x;
  Serial.println("player # tagged: ");

void CountDownLed() {
  long msLeft = rndExpireTime - currentMillis;
  timerPos = map (msLeft, 0, roundLength, BASE_LED, NUM_LEDS);
  leds[timerPos] = CRGB:: White;
  leds[timerPos + 1] = CRGB:: White;
  leds[timerPos].fadeToBlackBy( 64 );


void showPlayerScores() {
  for (byte i = 1; i <= numOfPlayers; i++) { //starts at i=1 because player scores starts at 1
    int score = playerScores[i];
    byte color[3];
    for (byte x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
      color [x] = playerColors[i][x];
    byte scorePos = map(score, 0, NUM_LEDS - BASE_LED + 1, BASE_LED, NUM_LEDS);
    leds[scorePos] = (color[0], color[1], color[2]);

void printInfo() {
  //Serial.println("printInfo() ");



  Serial.print(" p2:");

  Serial.print(" round:");

  Serial.print(" time:");
  Serial.print(" pTurn:");


  Serial.print(" gameOver:");

  Serial.print(" gameIsLive: ");

void timerCheck() {
  if (currentMillis > rndExpireTime) {
    gameIsLive = 0;

void nextRound() {
  if (currentRound <= numOfRounds) {
  } else gameOver = 1;

byte addPlayerPoint(byte x) {

  //update LED here

void nextPlayer() {
  playerTurn < numOfPlayers ? playerTurn++ : playerTurn = 1;

void assignPlayer(byte slotNum, byte Rfid[]) { //slot 0 reserved for coop game score;
  for (byte x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
    playerIDs [slotNum][x] = Rfid[x];

void waitingPlayer(byte x) { //x = playerTurn

  if (x == pNumJustTagged) { //5 rounds = 6 turns / 2 ps = 3 rounds of 2 ps
    rndExpireTime = currentMillis + roundLength;
    gameIsLive = 1;
    Serial.print("correct player Found! round ends at: ");


bool isTurnTag() {
  if (gameIsLive && tagMatch(uid, playerIDs[playerTurn])) {
    return true;

bool tagMatch(byte array1[], byte array2[]) { //receives arrays as arguments
  for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    if (array1[i] != array2[i]) {
      //Serial.println("no match");
      return false;
      break; // if not equal, then break out of the "for" loop
    if (i == 3) { // if we made it to 4 loops for each of the array positions, then all 4 Tag Serial numbers sections are matching
      return true;

void getUid() {
  success = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A, &uid[0], &uidLength); // searches for and populates uid[] and uidLength


void printUid() {
  Serial.println("printUid running");
  for (int x = 0; x < uidLength; x++) { //note uidLength = 0 every round of the loop, so uidLength = 0 until the loop where a card is detected
    x < uidLength - 1 ? Serial.print(", ") : Serial.println(); //add a comma and space until last digit


Do you think that it might be a good idea if you posted the waitingPlayerLed() function or preferably a whole program that shows the problem

A wild guess, but the symptoms sound like you are writing outside of an array somewhere in the program

Newb poster here, AKA mandatory 9000 character limit and 5-minute delay between posts.

You must have opened this before I was allowed to get the rest of the functions up :slight_smile:

#define NUM_LEDS    40
for (int b = 8; b <= 40; b++) {
    leds[b].r = playerColors[playerTurn][0];

What's wrong with this picture?

Ray L.

a common cause (and happened to me recently) is exceeding the array length. there's nothing to prevent code from accessing index 20 of an array that's only 10 elements


#define NUM_LEDS    40

for (int b = 8; b <= 40; b++) {
    leds[b].r = playerColors[playerTurn][0];

What's wrong with this picture?

Ray L.

Ahh yes, I thought maybe some local variables were interfering, so I hard coded it as a test and forgot to undue. Thanks for the pointer. My problem still exists however.

My problem still exists however.

Probably because you do it in more than one place...

for (x = 1; x <= numOfPlayers; x++) {

Ray L.

a common cause (and happened to me recently) is exceeding the array length. there's nothing to prevent code from accessing index 20 of an array that's only 10 elements

That's a good point I wasn't aware of. I might have guessed the compiler wouldn't allow it. Thank you! If I'm understanding you correctly, though, don't think my problem is there because I'm accessing the array via hard-code in printInfo() where the problem reveals itself:


//returns p1:255

Probably because you do it in more than one place...

for (x = 1; x <= numOfPlayers; x++) {

I know the convention is to begin at 0; however, several arrays organize all my player data, and I have array slots 0 reserved for a "teamscore" concept while slots [1] = player 1 info, [2] = player 2, etc. So for this program when I only need to access the player information, my for loops initialize x = 1 in order to access player 1's data.