In the shield 3V3 and GND are close togeter instead in LCD are separated by LIGHT pin.
I have a Nokia LCD 5110 shield that is common in eBay, they are all the same.
You can install the LCD using MF jumpers any way you like.
You can also change the call of the pins in your code according to the order of the module. If the pin order is in the library, like in PCD8544.h, you have to edit the library.
Note that the backlight pin, assuming you need it, is probably connected to ground.
Link to Youtube fixed manually, the system to insert it automaticcaly doesn't work properly. Thanks!
It seems my module but I am not sure since I can't see the pin labels.
My problem is with VCC and GND, I know that I can change the communication pins.
I will check if LIGHT is tied on GND but they remains swapped :(. Obviously I can use wires....
I think the opposite. The example in your original post looks the same as mine, and I got the impression it was different from the "normal", hence my caution about the LEDs. Further, I recall there was some grief from using the PC8544 which was caused by the pin order the library had to be edited.
As I wrote before for communications pin there isn't any problem since you can define them.
The problem arise with the power pins, in the latter module they are in the right place.
I know that LED pin works better with some clones that have more current on 3.3V and not to be used with the original UNO, it is written in the documentation.
The problem with the LED is not the amount of current but the direction in which it travels. I can't see the amount of current being a problem on any Arduino. There's nothing there that a resistor can't fix. More to the point, the value of the backlight can be questionable anyway. The blue ones are useless and you might find the display is actually better with them off.
The documentation of the LCD board that I have, the one that doesn't fit in the Joystick shield, report that to turn on the LED light I have to connect LIGHT pin to GND. Never used but I can try.
The other that fit in the shield can be different.
Thanks for your advice Nick
Searching better on eBay I found some modules that have the right pins
ebay object 321561626824
I believe that it is not the most common anyway.
Unfortunately, if you read the description of the item, then you can see that it is actually the same as all of the others. The photo that they used is inaccurate, and the pin out still has the backlight between Vcc and GND. This is the same for a number of items. It seems quite difficult, if not impossible to get a 84x64 Nokia 5110 LCD with the correct pin out, on eBay. Pricey Sparkfun appears to still sell them though, at $10.
However, the 1.44" 128x128 Colour LCDs, commonly available on eBay, do have the correct pin out:
But then these are SPI devices and as such, on a Leonardo at least, the SCK and SDA (of the LCD) can not be rerouted through pins 9 and 10 so using this display with the Joystick shield is a no no - as I have just discovered. Unless someone knows how to get the MOSI and SCK on a Leonardo to route through pins 10 and 9 respectively, which is what is required in order to be able to use the header on the joystick shield for the 128x128 colour LED.
Likewise on the UNO, MOSI (SDA on LCD) and SCK (SCK on LCD) are on pins 11 and 13, however the LCD requires them to be on pins 10 an 9, in order to use the header on the joystick.
You are absolutely right, I ordered it and it arrived with the incompatible pinout. So the photo is inaccurate.
Thank you very much for the suggestion, I will try it!
Please be aware that they are SPI devices, and as such, may be no use either. Please see my updated post above. Sorry if I sent you on a wasted purchase.
My LCD arrived today from, and the pin out is as desired. Plugged it in directly and the backlight comes on. Using the following pin assignments, the LCD works fine:
// For Leonardo Joystick Shield with Red
#define RST 12
#define CE 13
#define DC 11
#define DIN 10
#define CLK 9
Works fine with either 3.3 or 5V selected on the switch on the joystick board