FYI: I2C onewire conflict

FYI: I was trying to display temperature from a DS18S20 one-wire temperature sensor to a I2C LCD display and the temperature stopped working after initializing the LCD. Changing the onewire from pin 2 to pin 5 fixed the problem. Strange, no ? Using Leonardo Arduino.

Not strange at all considering that the I2C bus on the Leonardo is on pin 2 = SDA and pin 3 = SCL.

Not strange at all considering that the I2C bus on the Leonardo is on pin 2 = SDA and pin 3 = SCL.

Thanks for that info. Will save me some grief. Strange they put SDA and SCL on the board as well as pin 2, 3
I had no idea they where tied together.

Thanks for that info. Will save me some grief. Strange they put SDA and SCL on the board as well as pin 2, 3
I had no idea they where tied together.

I2C, SPI both share pins,
On Uno(328p) I2C uses A5,A4.
on Uno(328P) SPI uses D13,D12,D11. D10 must be Output or HIGH whenever SPI Is Used.

On Mega(2560) I2C uses D20,D21
on Mega(2560) SPI uses D51,D52,D53. D50 must be Output or HIGH whenever SPI is used.

on Uno uses D0,D1
on Mega uses D0,D1

Check the pin mapping for the Specific Arduino you are using.
