g540 driver questions

I have been using some cheap Chinese drivers(dv268n) on a project and have everything running great and I'm going to upgrade to a more industrial driver and was reading the specs and reviews for it and saw a question that made no sense for me and thought someone could help me understand it.

A poster was helping someone trouble shoot a problem and he asked if he could send a 2khz signal to the drive and make the motor turn 1 revolution.

I'm using an Arduino Due so that is my reference point and wondered what freq. the Due sends to a drive?
I never thought about the ferq. the PWM signal was on any of my projects, I just give it a step and direction pin and it works so I never thought about it or why I would want to change the ferq.

The drive in question is a Gecko g540.
Spec sheet

Assuming "2kHz" is 2000 steps per second, that would cause a 200 steps per revolution motor (in full step mode) to turn 10 revs in 1 second, 600 RPM! Pulse frequency depends on steps per rev of motor, speed in RPMs and microstepping setting.
I'm sure the DUE could do at least 20000 steps per sec without breathing hard (if the driver will work OK with 3.3V pulses).

Assuming "2kHz" is 2000 steps per second, that would cause a 200 steps per revolution motor (in full step mode) to turn 10 revs in 1 second, 600 RPM! Pulse frequency depends on steps per rev of motor, speed in RPMs and microstepping setting.
I'm sure the DUE could do at least 20000 steps per sec without breathing hard (if the driver will work OK with 3.3V pulses).

The g540 is a 10x micro stepping driver so 2000 steps will turn a motor 1 rev(with a std. 1.8 200 step motor).
The part of the question that left me scratching my head was the 2khz signal. I use Accelstepper library to drive my steppers and wonder where the 2khz signal comes into play, If the code looks like this

Void setup()

set max speed
set acceleration
set min pulse width

Void Loop()

set steps(2000)
set speed(1000)

Where would the 2khz signal appear in the code per the original question?
I can easily tell the motor to move 2000 steps and make the speed do it in 1 second by incrementing the speed up or down to hit my time target but reading the question makes it seem I wouldn't have to do that if I just sent this mysterious 2khz signal.

Does that make any sense to you, I'm not sure it does to me. lol