Garage Door Status Help

I have made significant progress in utilizing the Arduino Uno to give me a status of my garage door using a push button. The concept is when the garage door is open it presses a normally open push button. The Arduino reads the change and then using an Ethernet shield and a AJAX web page it displays the garage door status.

The problem that I am having is I want the Arduino to run a php script that exists on a different web server to text message me based on the status of the garage door. I do not know what code to use to run this remote php script. I don't believe I need to send any variables from the Arduino to the PHP script because the if statement I use would run the correct script based on the status. I also need to make sure that the text message is only sent once until the status changes again.

I have found multiple examples of using a GET and POST statement but all this seems to do is post output to the Arduino AJAX web page. I have spent 14+ hours trying to do this. So, I have put in my time researching and I believe because I am a newbie I may just not understand what if anything I am doing wrong in the code.

I can go to my remote web server, run the php script and receive a text. So, I know the PHP script works. I just don't know how to make the Arduino run this remote PHP script. I have included my code below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

// MAC address from Ethernet shield sticker under board
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 5); // IP address, may need to change depending on network
EthernetServer server(80);  // create a server at port 80

String HTTP_req;            // stores the HTTP request

void setup()
    Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);  // initialize Ethernet device
    server.begin();           // start to listen for clients
    Serial.begin(9600);       // for diagnostics

void loop() // this piece of code will run over and over again
    EthernetClient client = server.available();  // try to get client

    if (client) {  // got client?
        boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
        while (client.connected()) {
            if (client.available()) {   // client data available to read
                char c =; // read 1 byte (character) from client
                HTTP_req += c;  // save the HTTP request 1 char at a time
                // last line of client request is blank and ends with \n
                // respond to client only after last line received
                if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
                    // send a standard http response header
                    client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
                    client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
                    client.println("Connection: keep-alive");
                    // AJAX request for switch state
                    if (HTTP_req.indexOf("ajax_switch") > -1) {
                        // read switch state and analog input
                    else {  // HTTP request for web page
                        // send web page - contains JavaScript with AJAX calls
                        client.println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
                        client.println("<title>Arduino Garage Door Status</title>");
                        client.println("function GetSwitchAnalogData() {");
                            "nocache = \"&nocache=\" + Math.random() * 1000000;");
                        client.println("var request = new XMLHttpRequest();");
                        client.println("request.onreadystatechange = function() {");
                        client.println("if (this.readyState == 4) {");
                        client.println("if (this.status == 200) {");
                        client.println("if (this.responseText != null) {");
                        .innerHTML = this.responseText;");
                        "\"GET\", \"ajax_switch\" + nocache, true);");
                        client.println("setTimeout('GetSwitchAnalogData()', 1000);");
                        client.println("<body onload=\"GetSwitchAnalogData()\">");
                        client.println("<h1>Arduino Garage Door Status</h1>");
                        client.println("<div id=\"sw_an_data\">");
                    // display received HTTP request on serial port
                    HTTP_req = "";            // finished with request, empty string
                // every line of text received from the client ends with \r\n
                if (c == '\n') {
                    // last character on line of received text
                    // starting new line with next character read
                    currentLineIsBlank = true;
                else if (c != '\r') {
                    // a text character was received from client
                    currentLineIsBlank = false;
            } // end if (client.available())
        } // end while (client.connected())
        delay(1);      // give the web browser time to receive the data
        client.stop(); // close the connection
    } // end if (client)

// send the state of the switch to the web browser
void GetAjaxData(EthernetClient cl)
    int analog_val;
    const int analogPin0 = A0;    // pin that the sensor is attached to
    const int thresholdOpen = 0;   // an arbitrary threshold level that's in the range of the analog input
    const int thresholdClosed = 1;   // an arbitrary threshold level that's in the range of the analog input

    // read analog pin A0
    analog_val = analogRead(analogPin0);
    cl.print("<p>Analog PIN0 (A0): "); // this text will display on the html web page
    cl.print(analog_val); // if this value is anything but 0 the garage door is closed
    cl.println("</p>"); // this will close the paragraph on the html web page
    if (analog_val > thresholdClosed) {
      cl.print("<p><font size='3' color='green'>GARAGE DOOR CLOSED</font>"); // this text will display on the html web page if the Analog 2 value is greater than 1
      cl.print("<img src=''>");
    else if (analog_val == thresholdOpen) {
      cl.print("<p><font size='3' color='red'>GARAGE DOOR OPEN</font>"); // this text will display on the html web page if the Analog 2 value is equal to 0
      cl.print("<img src=''>");
      cl.print("GET /");
      //cl.print(analog_val);  //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them
      //cl.println(" HTTP/1.1"); //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them
      //cl.println("Host:"); //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them
      //cl.println("User-Agent: Arduino"); //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them
      //cl.println("Accept: text/html"); //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them
      //cl.println(); //values commented out because I wasn't sure if I needed them

Remote PHP script (email_open.php)

$to = "";
$subject = "GARAGE OPEN";
$message = "GARAGE DOOR OPEN";
$from = "";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo "Mail Sent.";

Remote PHP script (email_closed.php)

$to = "";
$subject = "GARAGE CLOSED";
$message = "GARAGE DOOR CLOSED";
$from = "";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo "Mail Sent.";

The problem that I am having is I want the Arduino to run a php script that exists on a different web server to text message me based on the status of the garage door. I do not know what code to use to run this remote php script.

The easiest way to do this is to have the Arduino call ONE script on one server. Whichever server/script you use should be responsible for calling the other script on the other server.

The easiest way to do this is to have the Arduino call ONE script on one server. Whichever server/script you use should be responsible for calling the other script on the other server.

Do you have an example of how to call a php script from a remote server? My main issue is that I am unsure of what command to use to successfully call the php script on the remote server using the Arduino code.

My main issue is that I am unsure of what command to use to successfully call the php script on the remote server using the Arduino code.

You said you were successfully communicating with one server. Was that not true?

I apologize again. To clarify further if I go to and click on the email_open.php or email_closed.php I receive a text message. The reason I stated

I can go to my remote web server, run the php script and receive a text.

is to make whoever read this aware that I have tested the PHP email script and it works.

But, when I attempt to utilize it within the Arduino sketch I am unsure if it ever correctly processes the calling of the PHP script. Can you look at the above posted code to see if this should work in your experience?

In a perfect world I would have a webserver hosted on the Arduino that will display the status of the garage door (open/closed) which currently works. But, also when the status changes (from open to closed or closed to open) I receive the text message that was generated via email (currently doesn't work because I don't believe I am calling the remote PHP script correctly).

I have not tested it yet but I am beginning to believe that I may have to remove the webduino webserver in order to have the Arduino run the remote PHP script. This would eliminate the ability to check the status of the garage door remotely any time I like and would have to rely solely on the text messages (sent via email). I have no support for this assumption. But, again that is why I am coming to those who may have more experience.

But, when I attempt to utilize it within the Arduino sketch I am unsure if it ever correctly processes the calling of the PHP script. Can you look at the above posted code to see if this should work in your experience?

The code you posted makes the Arduino act as a server (responding to requests), not a client (making requests). So, no the posted code is not correctly contacting the server or executing the PHP script(s).

You need a script/server that the Arduino contacts when the door status changes. That script/server should send the e-mail when the status changes OR serve up a page that indicates the status. Which action the script performs depends on whether the script is passed arguments (the Arduino making the GET request will pass arguments. The web browser/client will not pass arguments).