Garbled data on MCP CAN bus after successful initializing

I have a three way CAN network set-up with three arduinos (UNO R3, and two Nanos) wired up to MCP2515 boards.

I have been able to use the "CAN" library that was created by Sandeep and successfully send and receive "Hello World".

I will need to transmit HEX in each of the 8 bits so I looked at two other libraries (ACAN2515 by Molinare and MCP_CAN_lib-master by coryjfowler).

When I load these libraries and run the respective loopback test I get an OK for initiallizing but then the data is garbled.

I've attached a screen shot of the result running cory's library and loopback test.

Any help would be appreciated.

It ended up being the baud rate in the serial monitor not matching. Libraries work fine.