I am biulding a GAS TURBINE ecu. (biulding the gas turbine too) I know its alot to bite off and chew, but I have been biulding gas turbines for years and have done heaps of electronic projects and stuff like this in the past, but coding in arduino to me is NEW. My brain aint so young anymore so im struggling.
I worked out the coding to make the rpm work and temp sensors work, (pretty simple, mostly just taken off the learning pages) but to make this work, is going to be a big bit of code. Im looking for someone who can help me get a start on it, some kind of structure, the LCD page set up so i can get started and take it all the way.
I have so far a MEGA and a prototype on top (for my sensor and power supply components, etc)
and a TFTLCD shield on top of that.
Ive loaded up the usual TFT test stuff from the suppliers website, test graphics, touch, load images from SD card, etc, all pretty cool.
Ive seen the scooterputer display, and think thats pretty cool. I would like a display similar to that, with things on it like RPM, TIT, TOT (turbine inlet temperature, turbine outlet temperature) IGN ON or OFF, GAS on or off, fuel throttle (in %) and starting, running or shutdown status, and also driver parameter inputs such as warmup idle time, idle rpm, gas/fuel switchover time, etc, or a second page (menu) to scroll thru the settings. Batt voltage too would be helpfull.
Is any of this making sense?
Now, I know what i basically want it to do, and ive hooked up in test form all the circuits needed, they are as follows...
Two (or three maybe not sure yet) K type thermocouple inputs, using AD595 chips
RPM input up to 60 000 rpm (using a 4017 divide by chip to relieve the mega of some of the load of counting all those pulses from the rpm sensor)
A simple PWM display (LED) to test a motor control output (gas turbine's starter motor)
Anyone interested in offering a bit of help?
plenty fo credit to be given to the person who helps on any upcoming youtube vidoes of the finished product!!
I am yet to biuld the motor control side of it, it shouldnt be too hard, i simply take a PWM output from the arduino to motor drive mosfets etc.
It will also have Ignition control (ill use an optocoupler just to be safe) , and fuel pump control (another PWM, 0 to 100% throttling)
and it will have a gas solenoid and fuel solenoid to switchover at start up.