Gelöst: Error: 'SPISettings' has not been declared

Hallo, eine Fehlermeldung stört und ich weiß nicht was ich nun zu korrigieren habe.

Es geht um dieses Projekt, der Hauptteil ist die Datei webastardo_v3.0.ino.

Der Code läuft erst ohne Probleme, aber sobald ich das # entferne in einer Zeile entferne

z.B. Zeile
78 vor #define BLYNK_ENABLE
80 #define ESP_WIFI_ENABLE

erhalte ich folgenden Fehler:

D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32.ino:88:1: error: 'define' does not name a type; did you mean 'rewind'?
 define FLAME_SENSOR_ENABLE       //Uncomment if using >V3.0 board with ACS711 Current Sensor
In file included from D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32.ino:110:
C:\Users\Packy\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11\libraries\SPI\src/SPI.h:74:27: error: 'SPISettings' has not been declared
     void beginTransaction(SPISettings settings);
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "WiFi.h" gefunden
  Benutzt: C:\Users\Packy\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11\libraries\WiFi
  Nicht benutzt: D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\libraries\WiFi
exit status 1

Compilation error: 'define' does not name a type; did you mean 'rewind'?

Board ausgewählt Lolin D32
Frische Arduino IDE 2.2.1 Installation
ESP32 Core expressif sytems 2.0.11 und 2.0.14 getestet.

Im sketches Ordner sind nur 2 Unterordner: "webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32" mit seinen 20 Dateien und "libraries". Dort installierte Bibliotheken Blynk (1.3.2), BlynkNcpDriver (0.6.3) und WiFi 1.2.7.


// DIY Webasto Controller
// Board:  Adafruit Feather Huzzah32 or Feather M0 Express.
// Add the following board link in preferences:
// Code based on a Webasto Shower Controller by David McLuckie
// His project was based on the work of Mael Poureau
// Simon changed it from a Shower to a general purpose controller which tries to regulate the 
// Temperature to a pre-defined target by adjusting the Fueling and Combustion fan
// Simon converted the code to run on an Adafruit Feather M0 SAMD21 and designed a drop-in
// replacement PCB for Webasto ThermoTop C & E Heaters.

// Steve converted the code again to run on an Adafruit Feather Huzzah32 wifi and Adafruit Feather Mo Express boards and made some edits, see below.
// The wiring harness is similar to the original, except:
// 6 Pin Connector - header pins:  [Changes indicated by * ]
// 1 - Clock (+12V = Heater On)/(0V = Heater Off)
// 2*- Serial1 TX pin.
// 3*- Exhaust Thermistor (100k NTC between header pin 3 & Gnd or 4.7k using original onboard thermistor) [See Note 1].
// 4*- serial1 RX pin.
// 5*- Water Thermistor (100k NTC between header pin 5 & Gnd).
// 6 - Fuel Dosing Pump

// [Note 1] The PCB has holes for the original Thermistor which you can salvage from an old unit
// It has a different 25C Resistance around 4.7k.  You will need to change R11 to 4.7k
// and in get_webasto_temp, change "Nominal resistance at 25 ºC" from 100000 to 4700.
// I've found the original thermistor not to work well with this code though.

// [Note 2]
// The thermistors can be problematic with this code when not using the current sensor for the flame sensor. 
// (make sure to position the thermistor carefully) inside the exhaust is too hot for my sensors to handle -
// but strapped to the outside of the exhaust does not reach the temperature soon enough -
// -(maybe when installed It will work best placed between the lagging and the exhaust).

// [Note 3]
// ADC2 has some restrictions on the feather huzzah32 wifi micro-controller:
// ADC2 is used by the Wi-Fi driver, so ADC2 is only usable when the Wi-Fi driver has not started.
// Three of the ADC2 pins are strapping pins and thus should be used with caution. Strapping pins -
// - are used during power-on/reset to configure the device boot mode, the operating voltage, and other initial settings
// Importantly, the official Adafruit docs for the Huzzah32 are confusing: -
// - they state that “you can only read analog inputs on ADC #1 once WiFi has started”. 
// Through experimentation, I found that Adafruit intended to say simply that "ADC#2 is unavailable once WiFi has started" (so you can only use ADC#1).

// ADC#1 pins.
// A2,A3,A4,A7,A9.
// ADC#2 pins.
// A0,A1,A5,A6,A8,A10,A11,A12.

// to use ADC#1 pins we have to change WebastardoV3.0 board a little, -
// - cut 3 of the traces and wire 3 new links to the new pins, see steves' part 1 video.
// Link:

// Simon Rafferty 2022
// The V3.0 PCB's (
// has provision for a Thermal Fuse.  This simply cuts the fueling if the heater really overheats
// to prevent it catching fire.  I used RS Part Number 797-6042 which fuses at 121C
// If you prefer the excitement of waiting for it to catch fire, you can always bridge the 
// contacts with a bit of wire.
// Steven Lovejoy edits sept 2023.
// reference to header pins are referencing the 6 pin webasto connector.
// 1/ Changed board to Feather esp32 Huzzah32, see Note3.
// 2/ configured for physical switch/timer or blynk on/off, -
// - now we can have a timeclock or thermostat etc to start the heater.
// 3/ Added LED code (I use it for testing atm.
// 4/ Added uart/serial1 pins to the pin header so we can connect it to another micro-controller for a remote terminal/ -
// - infomation screen or programmable room stat etc, TX = header pin 2, RX = header pin 4.

//Build options
#define BLYNK_ENABLE              //Uncomment if you want to send data to Blynk (only applies to WiFi board)
#define FLAME_SENSOR_ENABLE       //Uncomment if using V3.0 board with ACS711 Current Sensor
#define ESP_WIFI_ENABLE           //Uncomment if you are using a Feather huzzah32 WiFi microcontroller
//With all three commented out, project will compile the same as the main branch

//This bit just avoids the situation of enabling blynk, without Wifi - which would be a bit dumb huh?  Can't imagine anyone would do that?? ;-)
    #define ESP_WIFI_ENABLE

//  **BLYNK Defines MUST be before Includes
  #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "<put your blynk template id here>"
  #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "<put your blynk template name here>"
  #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "<put your blynk auth token here>"

#include <math.h> // needed to perform some calculations
//#include <arduino_secrets.h> // used for sensative code like passwords etc.

  #include <SPI.h>
  #include <WiFi.h>
  #include <WiFiClient.h>
  #define SECRET_SSID "<put your ssid here>"
  #define SECRET_PASS "<put your password here>"

  #include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>
  #include <WiFiMDNSResponder.h>

//Heater Config 
//**Change these values to suit your application **
int heater_min = 55; // Increase fuel if below
int heater_target = 60; // degrees C Decrease fuel if above, increase if below.
int water_warning = 70;// degrees C - At this temperature, the heater idles
int water_overheat = 85;// degrees C - This is the temperature the heater will shut down

int flame_threshold = 75; //Exhaust temperature above which we assume it's alight

//Fuel Mixture
//If you find the exhaust is smokey, increase the fan or reduce the fuel
float throttling_high_fuel = 1.8;
//float throttling_high_fuel = 1.6; //In summer, exhaust gets too hot on startup
float throttling_high_fan = 90;
float throttling_steady_fuel = 1.3;
float throttling_steady_fan = 65;
float throttling_low_fuel = 0.83;  //(Winter Setting)
float throttling_low_fan = 55;
//Just enough to keep it alight at idle
float throttling_idle_fuel = 0.6; //Do not reduce this value
float throttling_idle_fan = 30; 

// ToDo:  Winter & summer need slightly different idle settings
// I'm guessing because the air intake temperature is higher in summer, it doesn't
// need as much fuel to heat to a given temperature.
// Using the winter setting in Summer causes it to overheat & shut down before the  
// water tank has heated properly.
// * Need to find a way of switching automatically

// LED
int led = LED_BUILTIN;

//Fuel Pump Setting
//Different after-market pumps seem to deliver different amounts of fuel
//If the exhaust is consistently smokey, reduce this number
//If you get no fuel (pump not clicking) increase this number
//Values 22,30 or 60 seem to work in most cases.

int pump_size = 22; //22,30,60 
float prime_low_temp = 10; //Prime ratio is temperature dependent. Below this temp, prime fueling is increased
float prime_high_temp = 20; //Not used at the moment
bool Fuel_Purge = false; //Set by blynk.  Delivers fuel rapidly without running anything else

float prime_fan_speed = 15;
float prime_low_temp_fuelrate = 3.5;
float prime_high_temp_fuelrate = 2.0;

float start_fan_speed = 40;
float start_fuel = 1;  //Summer setting
float start_fuel_Threshold = -10; //Exhaust temperature, below which to use start_fuel_Cold
float start_fuel_Cold = 1.2;  //Winter Setting (use below 10C)
float start_fuel_Warm = 1.0;  //Winter Setting (use below 10C)

int full_power_increment_time = 30; //seconds

//Pin Connection for Adafruit Feather Huzzah32
int glow_plug_pin = 14; // 
int water_pump_pin = 15; // 
int fuel_pump_pin = 27; // header pin 6
int burn_fan_pin = 33; 
// see [Note3]
//int lambda_pin = A1;
int water_temp_pin = A2; // header pin 5
int exhaust_temp_pin = A3; // header pin 3
int flame_sensor = A4;
int push_pin = A7; // header pin 1:

//Pin Connections for Adafruit Feather M0 Express
int glow_plug_pin = 5;
int water_pump_pin = 9;
int fuel_pump_pin = 11; // header pin 6
int burn_fan_pin = 10;
// see [Note3]
//int lambda_pin = A1;
int water_temp_pin = A2; // header pin 5
int exhaust_temp_pin = A3; // header pin 3
int flame_sensor = A4;
int push_pin = 6; // header pin 1:

//Blynk Write Variables
int BlynkHeaterOn = 0;
int BlynkPurgeFuel = 0;

  #ifdef ESP_WIFI_ENABLE //Setup web server if this is a wifi board and blynk not selected.

    //WiFi Setup
    //#include "Arduino_Secrets" 
    char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;    // your network SSID (name)
    char pass[] = SECRET_PASS;    // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
    int keyIndex = 0;             // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
    bool WiFiACTIVE = false;
    WiFiClient client;
    char mdnsName[] = "webastardo"; // the MDNS name that the board will respond to
    // Note that the actual MDNS name will have '.local' after
    // the name above, so "webastardo" will be accessible on
    // the MDNS name "webastardo.local".
    int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
    // Create a MDNS responder to listen and respond to MDNS name requests.
    WiFiMDNSResponder mdnsResponder;
    WiFiServer server(80);

//Temperature Filtering
#define filterSamples   13              // filterSamples should  be an odd number, no smaller than 3
float rawDataWater, smoothDataWater;  // variables for sensor1 data
float rawDataExhaust, smoothDataExhaust;  // variables for sensor2 data

float WaterSmoothArray [filterSamples];   // array for holding raw sensor values for sensor1 
float ExhaustSmoothArray [filterSamples];   // array for holding raw sensor values for sensor2 

float Last_Exh_T = 0;
float Last_Wat_T = 0;
float Last_Mute_T = 0;
int GWTLast_Sec;
int Last_TSec;
boolean EX_Mute = false;
float Last_Temp = 0;
float Max_Change_Per_Sec_Exh = 4;  //Used to slow down changes in temperature to remove spikes
float Max_Change_Per_Sec_Wat = 2;  //Used to slow down changes in temperature to remove spikes
//Flame Sensor workings
float Flame_Diff = 0; 
float Flame_Threshold = 1.000;
long Flame_Timer = millis(); //prevent flame sensor being called too often
float Flame_Last = 0;

//Serial Settings
String message = "Off";
//bool pushed;
//bool long_press;
bool heater_on;
bool debug_glow_plug_on = false;
int debug_water_percent_map = 999;

int Ignition_Failures = 0;
float fan_speed; // percent
float water_pump_speed; // percent
float fuel_need; // percent
int glow_time; // seconds
float water_temp; // degres C
float exhaust_temp; // degres C
float exhaust_temp_sec[11]; // array of last 10 sec water temp, degres C
int water_temp_sec[181];
int glow_left = 0;
int last_glow_value = 0;
bool burn = false;
bool webasto_fail = false;
int Start_Failures = 0;
int seconds;

bool lean_burn;
int delayed_period = 0;
unsigned long water_pump_started_on;
int water_pump_started = 0;
long glowing_on = 0;
int burn_mode = 0;

//PWM properties

const int glow_channel = 0;
const int water_channel = 1;
const int air_channel = 2;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Connect to Blynk");

  while(!Blynk.connected()) {
  Serial.println("Blynk Connected");

  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(glow_plug_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(fuel_pump_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(burn_fan_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(water_pump_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(water_temp_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(exhaust_temp_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(push_pin, INPUT); 
//  pinMode(lambda_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(flame_sensor, INPUT); 

  digitalWrite(push_pin, LOW);
  analogWrite(water_pump_pin, 100); //Run water pump on startup for a few seconds
  //Pulse Burn fan - to test & indicate startup
  fan_speed = 70;
  fan_speed = 0;
  fan_speed = 70;
  fan_speed = 0;

  #ifndef BLYNK_ENABLE

    // attempt to connect to WiFi network:
    while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
      Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
      // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
      status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
      // wait 5 seconds for connection:
    // you're connected now, so print out the status:
    // Setup the MDNS responder to listen to the configured name.
    // NOTE: You _must_ call this _after_ connecting to the WiFi network and
    // being assigned an IP address.
    if (!mdnsResponder.begin(mdnsName)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to start MDNS responder!");
    Serial.print("Server listening at http://");

void loop() { // runs over and over again, calling the functions one by one

    // Call the update() function on the MDNS responder every loop iteration to
    // make sure it can detect and respond to name requests.
    // listen for incoming clients
    client = server.available();
    if (client) {
      WiFiACTIVE = true;
    } else {
       WiFiACTIVE = false;  //Suspend serial logging

void Fuel_Purge_Action() {
//If it's safe to do so (heater & glow plug switched off), run the fuel pump rapidly to purge air
  if(!heater_on && !debug_glow_plug_on) {
    if(Fuel_Purge) {
      fuel_need = prime_ratio(prime_low_temp);
    } else {
      fuel_need = 0;

    //When selected from the Blynk Console, deliver fuel rapidly
    Fuel_Purge = param.asInt(); // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable

  void printWiFiStatus() {
    // print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
    Serial.print("SSID: ");
    // print your WiFi IP address:
    IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
    Serial.print("IP Address: ");
    // print the received signal strength:
    long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
    Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
    Serial.println(" dBm");

Wie kommst Du auf die Idee die raute da zu entfernen?

Hallo, weil ich doch dadurch das aktiviere was im Kommentar steht oder nicht?

z.B. //Uncomment if using V3.0 board with ACS711 Current Sensor

Oder wurde es schon unkommentiert und die Raute steht gar nicht für den Kommentar?

edit: herrlich, gott bin ich d......... =)

Der Kommentar passt nicht zum Code.
Das ist aktiv.

Grundlagen lernen: Was ist ein Kommentar in C++ und im 2. Schritt: Was sind Präprozessor-Direktiven (Tipp: Die mit dem #)

Gruß Tommy

:disguised_face: Ohje! Ich habs gecheckt.
Danke für die schnelle Klärung.

Es gibt da einen Haken für gelöst. Der wird in der Suche ausgewertet.
Dessen Nutzung ist besser, als die Änderung des Betreffs.

Gruß Tommy

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