Hallo, eine Fehlermeldung stört und ich weiß nicht was ich nun zu korrigieren habe.
Es geht um dieses Projekt, der Hauptteil ist die Datei webastardo_v3.0.ino.
Der Code läuft erst ohne Probleme, aber sobald ich das # entferne in einer Zeile entferne
z.B. Zeile
78 vor #define BLYNK_ENABLE
80 #define ESP_WIFI_ENABLE
erhalte ich folgenden Fehler:
D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32.ino:88:1: error: 'define' does not name a type; did you mean 'rewind'?
define FLAME_SENSOR_ENABLE //Uncomment if using >V3.0 board with ACS711 Current Sensor
In file included from D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32\webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32.ino:110:
C:\Users\Packy\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11\libraries\SPI\src/SPI.h:74:27: error: 'SPISettings' has not been declared
void beginTransaction(SPISettings settings);
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "WiFi.h" gefunden
Benutzt: C:\Users\Packy\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11\libraries\WiFi
Nicht benutzt: D:\Downloads\Arduino\Arduino_2\sketches\libraries\WiFi
exit status 1
Compilation error: 'define' does not name a type; did you mean 'rewind'?
Boardverwalter-URL: https://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/package_esp32_index.json
Board ausgewählt Lolin D32
Frische Arduino IDE 2.2.1 Installation
ESP32 Core expressif sytems 2.0.11 und 2.0.14 getestet.
Im sketches Ordner sind nur 2 Unterordner: "webastardo_v3_0_lovejoy_esp32" mit seinen 20 Dateien und "libraries". Dort installierte Bibliotheken Blynk (1.3.2), BlynkNcpDriver (0.6.3) und WiFi 1.2.7.
// DIY Webasto Controller
// Board: Adafruit Feather Huzzah32 or Feather M0 Express.
// Add the following board link in preferences: https://adafruit.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_adafruit_index.json
// Code based on a Webasto Shower Controller by David McLuckie
// https://davidmcluckie.com/arduino-webasto-shower-project/
// His project was based on the work of Mael Poureau
// https://maelpoureau.com/webasto_shower/
// Simon changed it from a Shower to a general purpose controller which tries to regulate the
// Temperature to a pre-defined target by adjusting the Fueling and Combustion fan
// Simon converted the code to run on an Adafruit Feather M0 SAMD21 and designed a drop-in
// replacement PCB for Webasto ThermoTop C & E Heaters.
// Steve converted the code again to run on an Adafruit Feather Huzzah32 wifi and Adafruit Feather Mo Express boards and made some edits, see below.
// The wiring harness is similar to the original, except:
// 6 Pin Connector - header pins: [Changes indicated by * ]
// 1 - Clock (+12V = Heater On)/(0V = Heater Off)
// 2*- Serial1 TX pin.
// 3*- Exhaust Thermistor (100k NTC between header pin 3 & Gnd or 4.7k using original onboard thermistor) [See Note 1].
// 4*- serial1 RX pin.
// 5*- Water Thermistor (100k NTC between header pin 5 & Gnd).
// 6 - Fuel Dosing Pump
// [Note 1] The PCB has holes for the original Thermistor which you can salvage from an old unit
// It has a different 25C Resistance around 4.7k. You will need to change R11 to 4.7k
// and in get_webasto_temp, change "Nominal resistance at 25 ºC" from 100000 to 4700.
// I've found the original thermistor not to work well with this code though.
// [Note 2]
// The thermistors can be problematic with this code when not using the current sensor for the flame sensor.
// (make sure to position the thermistor carefully) inside the exhaust is too hot for my sensors to handle -
// but strapped to the outside of the exhaust does not reach the temperature soon enough -
// -(maybe when installed It will work best placed between the lagging and the exhaust).
// [Note 3]
// ADC2 has some restrictions on the feather huzzah32 wifi micro-controller:
// ADC2 is used by the Wi-Fi driver, so ADC2 is only usable when the Wi-Fi driver has not started.
// Three of the ADC2 pins are strapping pins and thus should be used with caution. Strapping pins -
// - are used during power-on/reset to configure the device boot mode, the operating voltage, and other initial settings
// Importantly, the official Adafruit docs for the Huzzah32 are confusing: -
// - they state that “you can only read analog inputs on ADC #1 once WiFi has started”.
// Through experimentation, I found that Adafruit intended to say simply that "ADC#2 is unavailable once WiFi has started" (so you can only use ADC#1).
// ADC#1 pins.
// A2,A3,A4,A7,A9.
// ADC#2 pins.
// A0,A1,A5,A6,A8,A10,A11,A12.
// to use ADC#1 pins we have to change WebastardoV3.0 board a little, -
// - cut 3 of the traces and wire 3 new links to the new pins, see steves' part 1 video.
// Link: https://youtu.be/f0CdLafApvU
// Simon Rafferty SimonSFX@Outlook.com 2022
// The V3.0 PCB's (https://oshwlab.com/SimonRafferty/webasto-controller)
// has provision for a Thermal Fuse. This simply cuts the fueling if the heater really overheats
// to prevent it catching fire. I used RS Part Number 797-6042 which fuses at 121C
// If you prefer the excitement of waiting for it to catch fire, you can always bridge the
// contacts with a bit of wire.
// Steven Lovejoy edits sept 2023.
// reference to header pins are referencing the 6 pin webasto connector.
// 1/ Changed board to Feather esp32 Huzzah32, see Note3.
// 2/ configured for physical switch/timer or blynk on/off, -
// - now we can have a timeclock or thermostat etc to start the heater.
// 3/ Added LED code (I use it for testing atm.
// 4/ Added uart/serial1 pins to the pin header so we can connect it to another micro-controller for a remote terminal/ -
// - infomation screen or programmable room stat etc, TX = header pin 2, RX = header pin 4.
//Build options
#define BLYNK_ENABLE //Uncomment if you want to send data to Blynk (only applies to WiFi board)
#define FLAME_SENSOR_ENABLE //Uncomment if using V3.0 board with ACS711 Current Sensor
#define ESP_WIFI_ENABLE //Uncomment if you are using a Feather huzzah32 WiFi microcontroller
//With all three commented out, project will compile the same as the main branch
//This bit just avoids the situation of enabling blynk, without Wifi - which would be a bit dumb huh? Can't imagine anyone would do that?? ;-)
// **BLYNK Defines MUST be before Includes
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "<put your blynk template id here>"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "<put your blynk template name here>"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "<put your blynk auth token here>"
#include <math.h> // needed to perform some calculations
//#include <arduino_secrets.h> // used for sensative code like passwords etc.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#define SECRET_SSID "<put your ssid here>"
#define SECRET_PASS "<put your password here>"
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>
#include <WiFiMDNSResponder.h>
//Heater Config
//**Change these values to suit your application **
int heater_min = 55; // Increase fuel if below
int heater_target = 60; // degrees C Decrease fuel if above, increase if below.
int water_warning = 70;// degrees C - At this temperature, the heater idles
int water_overheat = 85;// degrees C - This is the temperature the heater will shut down
int flame_threshold = 75; //Exhaust temperature above which we assume it's alight
//Fuel Mixture
//If you find the exhaust is smokey, increase the fan or reduce the fuel
float throttling_high_fuel = 1.8;
//float throttling_high_fuel = 1.6; //In summer, exhaust gets too hot on startup
float throttling_high_fan = 90;
float throttling_steady_fuel = 1.3;
float throttling_steady_fan = 65;
float throttling_low_fuel = 0.83; //(Winter Setting)
float throttling_low_fan = 55;
//Just enough to keep it alight at idle
float throttling_idle_fuel = 0.6; //Do not reduce this value
float throttling_idle_fan = 30;
// ToDo: Winter & summer need slightly different idle settings
// I'm guessing because the air intake temperature is higher in summer, it doesn't
// need as much fuel to heat to a given temperature.
// Using the winter setting in Summer causes it to overheat & shut down before the
// water tank has heated properly.
// * Need to find a way of switching automatically
// LED
int led = LED_BUILTIN;
//Fuel Pump Setting
//Different after-market pumps seem to deliver different amounts of fuel
//If the exhaust is consistently smokey, reduce this number
//If you get no fuel (pump not clicking) increase this number
//Values 22,30 or 60 seem to work in most cases.
int pump_size = 22; //22,30,60
float prime_low_temp = 10; //Prime ratio is temperature dependent. Below this temp, prime fueling is increased
float prime_high_temp = 20; //Not used at the moment
bool Fuel_Purge = false; //Set by blynk. Delivers fuel rapidly without running anything else
float prime_fan_speed = 15;
float prime_low_temp_fuelrate = 3.5;
float prime_high_temp_fuelrate = 2.0;
float start_fan_speed = 40;
float start_fuel = 1; //Summer setting
float start_fuel_Threshold = -10; //Exhaust temperature, below which to use start_fuel_Cold
float start_fuel_Cold = 1.2; //Winter Setting (use below 10C)
float start_fuel_Warm = 1.0; //Winter Setting (use below 10C)
int full_power_increment_time = 30; //seconds
//Pin Connection for Adafruit Feather Huzzah32
int glow_plug_pin = 14; //
int water_pump_pin = 15; //
int fuel_pump_pin = 27; // header pin 6
int burn_fan_pin = 33;
// see [Note3]
//int lambda_pin = A1;
int water_temp_pin = A2; // header pin 5
int exhaust_temp_pin = A3; // header pin 3
int flame_sensor = A4;
int push_pin = A7; // header pin 1:
//Pin Connections for Adafruit Feather M0 Express
int glow_plug_pin = 5;
int water_pump_pin = 9;
int fuel_pump_pin = 11; // header pin 6
int burn_fan_pin = 10;
// see [Note3]
//int lambda_pin = A1;
int water_temp_pin = A2; // header pin 5
int exhaust_temp_pin = A3; // header pin 3
int flame_sensor = A4;
int push_pin = 6; // header pin 1:
//Blynk Write Variables
int BlynkHeaterOn = 0;
int BlynkPurgeFuel = 0;
#ifdef ESP_WIFI_ENABLE //Setup web server if this is a wifi board and blynk not selected.
//WiFi Setup
//#include "Arduino_Secrets"
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = SECRET_PASS; // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
bool WiFiACTIVE = false;
WiFiClient client;
char mdnsName[] = "webastardo"; // the MDNS name that the board will respond to
// Note that the actual MDNS name will have '.local' after
// the name above, so "webastardo" will be accessible on
// the MDNS name "webastardo.local".
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
// Create a MDNS responder to listen and respond to MDNS name requests.
WiFiMDNSResponder mdnsResponder;
WiFiServer server(80);
//Temperature Filtering
#define filterSamples 13 // filterSamples should be an odd number, no smaller than 3
float rawDataWater, smoothDataWater; // variables for sensor1 data
float rawDataExhaust, smoothDataExhaust; // variables for sensor2 data
float WaterSmoothArray [filterSamples]; // array for holding raw sensor values for sensor1
float ExhaustSmoothArray [filterSamples]; // array for holding raw sensor values for sensor2
float Last_Exh_T = 0;
float Last_Wat_T = 0;
float Last_Mute_T = 0;
int GWTLast_Sec;
int Last_TSec;
boolean EX_Mute = false;
float Last_Temp = 0;
float Max_Change_Per_Sec_Exh = 4; //Used to slow down changes in temperature to remove spikes
float Max_Change_Per_Sec_Wat = 2; //Used to slow down changes in temperature to remove spikes
//Flame Sensor workings
float Flame_Diff = 0;
float Flame_Threshold = 1.000;
long Flame_Timer = millis(); //prevent flame sensor being called too often
float Flame_Last = 0;
//Serial Settings
String message = "Off";
//bool pushed;
//bool long_press;
bool heater_on;
bool debug_glow_plug_on = false;
int debug_water_percent_map = 999;
int Ignition_Failures = 0;
float fan_speed; // percent
float water_pump_speed; // percent
float fuel_need; // percent
int glow_time; // seconds
float water_temp; // degres C
float exhaust_temp; // degres C
float exhaust_temp_sec[11]; // array of last 10 sec water temp, degres C
int water_temp_sec[181];
int glow_left = 0;
int last_glow_value = 0;
bool burn = false;
bool webasto_fail = false;
int Start_Failures = 0;
int seconds;
bool lean_burn;
int delayed_period = 0;
unsigned long water_pump_started_on;
int water_pump_started = 0;
long glowing_on = 0;
int burn_mode = 0;
//PWM properties
const int glow_channel = 0;
const int water_channel = 1;
const int air_channel = 2;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Connect to Blynk");
while(!Blynk.connected()) {
Serial.println("Blynk Connected");
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(glow_plug_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fuel_pump_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(burn_fan_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(water_pump_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(water_temp_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(exhaust_temp_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(push_pin, INPUT);
// pinMode(lambda_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(flame_sensor, INPUT);
digitalWrite(push_pin, LOW);
analogWrite(water_pump_pin, 100); //Run water pump on startup for a few seconds
//Pulse Burn fan - to test & indicate startup
fan_speed = 70;
fan_speed = 0;
fan_speed = 70;
fan_speed = 0;
// attempt to connect to WiFi network:
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
// Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
// wait 5 seconds for connection:
// you're connected now, so print out the status:
// Setup the MDNS responder to listen to the configured name.
// NOTE: You _must_ call this _after_ connecting to the WiFi network and
// being assigned an IP address.
if (!mdnsResponder.begin(mdnsName)) {
Serial.println("Failed to start MDNS responder!");
Serial.print("Server listening at http://");
void loop() { // runs over and over again, calling the functions one by one
// Call the update() function on the MDNS responder every loop iteration to
// make sure it can detect and respond to name requests.
// listen for incoming clients
client = server.available();
if (client) {
WiFiACTIVE = true;
} else {
WiFiACTIVE = false; //Suspend serial logging
void Fuel_Purge_Action() {
//If it's safe to do so (heater & glow plug switched off), run the fuel pump rapidly to purge air
if(!heater_on && !debug_glow_plug_on) {
if(Fuel_Purge) {
fuel_need = prime_ratio(prime_low_temp);
} else {
fuel_need = 0;
//When selected from the Blynk Console, deliver fuel rapidly
Fuel_Purge = param.asInt(); // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable
void printWiFiStatus() {
// print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
Serial.print("SSID: ");
// print your WiFi IP address:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
// print the received signal strength:
long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
Serial.println(" dBm");