#include "adcHelper.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet2.h>
#include "MgsModbus.h"
#include "TimerOne.h"
#include <avr/wdt.h>
float ph;
float orp;
int ph_wert = (ph *10.0);
int orp_wert = (orp *10.0);
char sensordata[32]; //A 30 byte character array to hold incoming data from the sensors
byte sensor_bytes_received = 0; // We need to know how many characters bytes have been received
byte code = 0; //used to hold the I2C response code.
byte in_char = 0; //used as a 1 byte buffer to store in bound bytes from an I2C stamp.
// unsigned int CalMod = 0x0000;
#define TOTAL_CIRCUITS 2 // <-- CHANGE THIS | set how many I2C circuits are attached to the Tentacle shield(s): 2
int channel_ids[] = {98, 99};// <-- CHANGE THIS.
// A list of I2C ids that you set your circuits to.
// This array should have 2 elements (2 circuits connected)
char const*channel_names[] = {"ORP", "PH"}; // <-- CHANGE THIS.
// A list of channel names (must be the same order as in channel_ids[])
// {"ORP","PH"}
/////#define DS_Pin 0x07, 0x08 // Pin wo die Drucksensoren angeschlossen sind
int DS_Pin[] = {0x07, 0x08}; // A0, A4
MgsModbus Mb;
// Ethernet settings (depending on MAC and Local network)
byte mac[] = {0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0E, 0x94, 0xB5 };
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 178, 13);
int pressure60, pressure5; // pressure60/60psi = A4, pressure5/5psi = A0
float Pbar;
void setup()
// Timer1.initialize(100 * 1000); // zeit in microsekunden (1 / 1 000 000) s
// Timer1.attachInterrupt(mb);
Wire.begin(); // enable I2C port.
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); // start etehrnet interface
// slave address
Mb.remSlaveIP = (192, 168, 178, 114);
// Mb.SetBit(0,false);
Mb.MbData[0] = 1;
Mb.MbData[1] = 2;
// Mb.MbData[2] = 3; // pressure60 /100*4 -5;
// Mb.MbData[3] = 4; // pressure5 *100 -6800;
wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); // Watchdog timer alle 8 s ohne timerreset wird das gerät neu gestartet
// #define DRAW_DELAY 118
// #define D_NUM 47
int i;
void mb()
void writeCommand(int addr , char *cmd)
// Normalde Daten auslesen
Wire.beginTransmission(addr); // call the circuit by its ID number.
Wire.write(cmd); // request a reading by sending 'r'
delay(1400); // AS circuits need a 1 second before the reading is ready
sensor_bytes_received = 0; // reset data counter
memset(sensordata, 0, sizeof(sensordata)); // clear sensordata array;
Wire.requestFrom(addr, 48, 1); // call the circuit and request 48 bytes (this is more then we need).
code = Wire.read();
while (Wire.available()) // are there bytes to receive?
in_char = Wire.read(); // receive a byte.
if (in_char == 0) // null character indicates end of command
Wire.endTransmission(); // end the I2C data transmission.
break; // exit the while loop, we're done here
else {
sensordata[sensor_bytes_received] = in_char; // append this byte to the sensor data array.
// Serial.print(code, HEX);
// Serial.print(" :=> ");
// Serial.println(sensordata);
void loop()
if (CalMod != Mb.MbData[4])
CalMod = Mb.MbData[4];
switch (CalMod)
case 1: // TODO Calibriere mit PH 7.00
Serial.println("Calibrierung Mittelwert PH: =7.00 ");
writeCommand(99, "Cal,mid,7.00");
case 2: // TODO Calibriere mit ORP 475mV
Serial.println("Calibrierung ORP: =475mV");
writeCommand(98, "Cal,475");
//Serial.println("loop start");
for (int channel = 0; channel < TOTAL_CIRCUITS; channel++) { // loop through all the sensors
Wire.beginTransmission(channel_ids[channel]); // call the circuit by its ID number.
Wire.write('r'); // request a reading by sending 'r'
Wire.endTransmission(); // end the I2C data transmission.
delay(1000); // AS circuits need a 1 second before the reading is ready
sensor_bytes_received = 0; // reset data counter
memset(sensordata, 0, sizeof(sensordata)); // clear sensordata array;
Wire.requestFrom(channel_ids[channel], 48, 1); // call the circuit and request 48 bytes (this is more then we need).
code = Wire.read();
// Serial.print(":");
while (Wire.available()) { // are there bytes to receive?
in_char = Wire.read(); // receive a byte.
if (in_char == 0) { // null character indicates end of command
Wire.endTransmission(); // end the I2C data transmission.
break; // exit the while loop, we're done here
else {
sensordata[sensor_bytes_received] = in_char; // append this byte to the sensor data array.
switch (code)
{ // switch case based on what the response code is.
case 1: // decimal 1 means the command was successful.
if (channel == 1)
ph = atof(sensordata);
} else
orp = atof(sensordata);
Serial.println(sensordata); // print the actual reading
break; // exits the switch case.
case 2: // decimal 2 means the command has failed.
Serial.println("command failed"); // print the error
break; // exits the switch case.
case 254: // decimal 254 means the command has not yet been finished calculating.
Serial.println("circuit not ready"); // print the error
break; // exits the switch case.
case 255: // decimal 255 means there is no further data to send.
Serial.println("no data"); // print the error
break; // exits the switch case.
wdt_reset(); // Watchdog timer mit jeden loop durchlauf zurücksetzen, dauert der loop länger als 8s wird neu gestartet
pressure60 = getPressure (0, 60, 20);
pressure5 = getPressure (1, 5, 20);
int getPressure (int channel, int type, int mittel)
float vcc, vsensor, result = 0, psi, bar;
for (int i = 0; i < mittel; i++)
vcc = analogReadBG(0x1f); // dummy Read
vcc = 1.1 * 1024 / analogReadBG(0x1e) * 1000; // Bandgab Referenz bestimmen 1.1 V Default
vsensor = (float) analogReadBG(DS_Pin[channel]) * vcc / 1024; // Messwert mit korrektem spannungsbeszug
result += vsensor;
// Serial.print("Messung: channel - ");
// Serial.print(channel);
// Serial.print(" Wert: ");
// Serial.println(vsensor);
psi = (float)(result / mittel);
if (psi < 500)
psi = 500; // 0,5 mV => 0 PSi damit keine negativen drücke angezeigt werden
// Serial.print("Druck in mV: "); Serial.println(psi);
switch (type)
case 60:
case 5:
psi = (type / 4.0 * (psi / 1000)) * 100;
default: // Fehler bei den Parametern
return 0;
bar = psi * 0.0689;
Pbar = bar;
Serial.print("Druck Channel "); Serial.print(channel); Serial.print(" in Bar:"); Serial.println(bar / 100);
return (int)psi;
bitte ich habe schon graue haare *g