My setup has a 5v input signal. When that signal is present, I have a simple if statement like below:
int switchPin = 7; // set up pin 7 as switchPin
int val; // variable to read pin status
void setup ()
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // set switchPin to input
DDRB = B110000; // set pins 12 & 13 as outputs
void loop()
val = digitalRead(switchPin);
if (val == LOW)
PORTB = B110000;
delay (100);
PORTB = B000000;
delay (1000);
My question is, is there a way that I can make it so that each time the 5v signal is present, the port manipulation settings change? For instance, let's say that I know the 5v signal is going to be there 10 times. Each time its present, I want the code to be different, like:
First time the 5v signal is present:
PORTB = 110000;
delay (100);
PORTB = B000000;
delay (1000);
Second time the 5v is present:PORTB = 110000;
delay (50);
PORTB = B000000;
delay (150);
Third time:
PORTB = 110000;
delay (400);
PORTB = B000000;
delay (900);
And so on...
Thanks for the help.
update moderator: added some code tags