Hello, first time posting here...
I am trying to write files to an SD card (which I can already do just fine if I am only writing one specific file name) but I want to increment the file names each time I write a new file.
ie: 0.kml, 1.kml, 2.kml etc.
What I am trying to do is open the file (0.kml) then if I don't find it, this becomes the next file name. I am setting up a simple loop to look for the files in order, then, when it can't find a file with that name, it generate a new file. This is the code I am trying, but it gets stuck in my while loop.
File kmlflightfile;
int i = 0; //file name.
boolean kmlfound = false; //mark true when file not found, vale of i then becomes file name.
char FileName[13];
while (kmlfound == false) {
sprintf(FileName, "%i.kml", i);//set the file name
kmlflightfile = SD.open(FileName);//look for this file name
if (settings) {//you found this file try again
i = i + 1;
} else {
kmlfound = true;
}//you found the end of the file names, use the value of i as your new file name.
kmlflightfile = SD.open(FileName, FILE_WRITE);
//if the file opened okay, write to it:
if (kmlflightfile) {
kmlflightfile.println("Did this work?");
Serial.print("Failed to write file");