Generating a PWM signal

#include "TimerOne.h"

void setup()
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  Timer1.initialize(20);         // initialize timer1, and set at 50kHz
  Timer1.pwm(9, 256);         // setup pwm on pin 9, 25% duty cycle
  Timer1.pwm(10, 256);       // setup pwm on pin 10, 25% duty cycle

void loop()
  // your program here...

following the image. How can I code to get PWM signal like that image ?

Sorry I don't understand the question.
A normal analogWrite call will change the PWM duty cycle.

Are you asking how to get two PWM signals to be 180 degrees out of phase?

Those signals are not 180 out of phase. They are SHIFTED but I can't read the Time/ division on my cell phone. Could they be 120 degres out of phase?

I think you need some external hardware,
or create pulses with 200KHz timing.
pulse edge every 5uS, could be difficult.
I think 100KHz not too hard for a PWM output?

I can't tell from that tiny image what is going on, exactly. The OP is going to have to give us more information.