Get binary from ardiuno

Basically I lost my source code of the project, I have to rewrite it. I want to backup the existing binary from the my Ardiuno, to be sure if, i don't succeed than, I have the previous one.
How can I download the binary, and how can I upload it again?
Thanks for help!

Write a simple sketch & compile it, have the File:Preferences:"Verbose during compilation" turned on.
You will see the path for the folder where the files created during compilation end up.
If you know when you created it, you can find the files from the build that you want to save.

You can use the "avrdude" program to download the contents of the chip to a HEX file. For instance, for an UNO, using Linux:

avrdude -C arduino-1.0.4/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf -pm328p -carduino -Uf:r:test.hex:i -P/dev/ttyACM0

or on Windows:

avrdude -C C:\path\to\arduino-1.0.4\hardware\tools\avrdude.conf -pm328p -carduino -Uf:r:test.hex:i -P\\.\COM3

You can then use avrdude to write the file again, by relpacing -Uf:r:test.hex:i with -Uf:w:test.hex:i

Thank you, guys!! You saved my life :slight_smile: