get data from 3 programs

Let me explain

I have the main program
then it's call to sub-program that call to sub-sub-program.

I can't get the info from the 3rd program.

I will show an example:

void main ()
Serial.print ("hello");
int first();


int first ()
 if ((digitalRead(in3)==HIGH)) 
    { d=0;

int fin();
return d;

int fin ()
 if ((digitalRead(in4)==LOW)) 

return f;

if I run the code i only get the numbers in d , but when he need to print f I only get f=0.

anyone know what I did wrong ?

Thank you ,

Please run your code through the auto formatted and you should see your problem.

this is a part of my code ,
when I run it - it's all good and and there is no error.

maybe you can be more direct and tell me where to look for the problem?


when I run it - it's all good and and there is no error.

By "run", I assume you mean "compile", but all that means is that the program is syntactically correct, which it probably is. However, it is possible (as it is in most languages, both natural and machine) to write things that are syntactically correct, but which make no sense.

tell me where to look for the problem?

int fin();


int first();

And there.

I don't understand what you just told me.
And I don't think you understand my code - let me make it simpler
this is not the full code but it is the main idea of him.

int f,d;

void loop ()

int one ()
return d;

int why ()
return f;

at the print I only see d=3 and f=0(when I should see f=453)

thanks ,

And I don't think you understand my code

I'm pretty sure I do.

void main ()
Serial.print ("hello");
int first();

There, you've written a prototype for a function called "first", but you haven't called it.

A few notes about your program.

  1. Functions which do not return a value should be declared "void", not "int".
  2. Calling a function which just modifies a global variable which is essentially used as a return value is bad programming.
  3. Functions which are declared as "int" should place their returned value into a variable.
  4. Forward definitions of functions (int fin(); for example) inside another function are bad.

You should have something more like:

// in main():

d = first();

// and first():

int first()
    return 0;
  return 1;

and so on.

o.k. - sorry, my mistake
but look now at the lest post I have entered - and tell me what is the problem
thanks ,

The last code is not complete, so to comment on it would be pointless.

Chances are there is something in why() that is stopping it from setting f to 453. Broken logic, maybe? Who knows. Without the full code it's impossible to say.

this is the full code that I have written - I didn't want to upload it because it's long and most of it not important for my question but if you think it will save the time and you will understand better.

the idea of the code is:
run webserver , see the status of the sensor and then print the time.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include "Wire.h"
#define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x68

byte mac[] = {
  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; // MAC address of the device
IPAddress ip(10,0,0,25); // IP address of the device
EthernetServer server(80); //server is using port 80
int piry3=4; //the digital input of sensor1
int piro7=7; //the digital input of sensor2
int direct=5;//the digital input of the sensor3
int calibrationTime=15;// setup time 
int y,x,i,d;
unsigned long  updateTime; 
int t=0;
int  monthDay,month,year,hour,minute,second;

void setup ()
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

  Serial.print("Please Wait - calibrating sensor ");
  for(int i = 0; i < calibrationTime; i++)

  Serial.println(" done");
  Serial.println("SENSOR IS NOW ACTIE");


void loop()
  // listen for incoming clients
  EthernetClient client = server.available();
  if (client) {
    boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
    while (client.connected()) {
      if (client.available()) {
        char c =;
        // see if HTTP request has ended with blank line
        if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
          // send a standard http response header
          client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
          client.println("Content-Type: text/html");

          //meta-refresh page every 1 seconds
          client.print("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1\">");
          client.print("<TITLE /> Test</title>");
          client.print("autorefresh test ");

          // printing the message
            client.print("All Good - No  Movement");
            client.print (d);
  if (d==1)
    for (i=0;i<5;i++)

      client.print(" <span style=color:red>");
      //<style=font-size:20pt;>");//color of message
      client.print("<blink> warning -Someone Is Entering The Secure Zone!!!! </blink>");// blink the message
      client.print("    ");
      client.print (millis()/1000);

    client.print("<table width=25% border=2>");
    client.print("<td align=center>");
    client.print("msg number - ");
    client.print("msg time - ");
    client.print (millis()/1000);

    if (d==2)
      for (i=0;i<5;i++)
        client.print(" <span style=color:red>");
        client.print("<blink> warning -Someone Is Leaving The Secure Zone!!!! </blink>");// blink the message
        client.print("   ");
        client.print (millis()/1000);

      client.print("<table width=25% border=2>");
      client.print("<td align=center>");
      client.print("msg number - ");
      client.print("msg time - ");
      client.print (millis()/1000);


Serial.println ("END OF LOOP !!!");


if (c == '\n') {
  // you're starting a new line

  currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
  // you've gotten a character on the current line
  currentLineIsBlank = false;

// give the web browser time to receive the data
// close the connection:


int pir_cheak()  /// The Code of the cheaking the pir+switch status

  if (digitalRead(direct)==LOW)

    if ((digitalRead(piry3)==HIGH)&&(digitalRead(piro7)==LOW)) 
      Serial.println("System is now Active");

      if ((digitalRead(piry3)==LOW)&&(digitalRead(piro7)==HIGH)) 
        Serial.print("WARNING !");
        Serial.println("No Movement!");
        Serial.println("wait for more");

    if (digitalRead(direct)==HIGH)
    if ((digitalRead(piry3)==HIGH)&&(digitalRead(piro7)==LOW)) 
      Serial.println("WARNING !!!!!");
      Serial.println("System is now Active");


      if ((digitalRead(piry3)==LOW)&&(digitalRead(piro7)==HIGH))
        Serial.println("No Movement!");
        Serial.println("wait for more");

  return d;


int printDate(){

  // Reset the register pointer

  byte zero = 0x00;

  Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, 7);

  int second = bcdToDec(;
  int minute = bcdToDec(;
  int hour = bcdToDec( & 0b111111); //24 hour time
  int weekDay = bcdToDec(; //0-6 -> sunday - Saturday
  int monthDay = bcdToDec(;
  int month = bcdToDec(;
  int year = bcdToDec(;

  Serial.print("    ");

  return monthDay,month,year,hour,minute,second;

byte bcdToDec(byte val)  {
  // Convert binary coded decimal to normal decimal numbers
  return ( (val/16*10) + (val%16) );

when I open the web in
I can see the value of d - 0\1\2
 in this line of the code : "client.print(d); "
but when I need to see the time I only get  0/0/0 0:0:0:0
(bye the way in the serial.print I can see the correct time , so it's not a problem of the clock )
every serial.print is good (this is the reason I put so many - to try to understand where is the problem)


return monthDay,month,year,hour,minute,second;

A function can return one and only one value.

If you want to return more values then either use a "struct" to store them in, or pass variables "by reference" (i.e., as pointers) to the function and get the function to modify those variables.

You declare a set of global variables at the top of your sketch, which are initialised to zero.

int  monthDay,month,year,hour,minute,second;

but put the date into local variables in your printDate() functions

  int second = bcdToDec(;
  int minute = bcdToDec(;
  int hour = bcdToDec( & 0b111111); //24 hour time
  int weekDay = bcdToDec(; //0-6 -> sunday - Saturday
  int monthDay = bcdToDec(;
  int month = bcdToDec(;
  int year = bcdToDec(;

Guess which ones get client.print()ed?

I guess the 0??? :slight_smile:

so what do I need to do to change it?

Use the global variables by removing the 'int's:

  second = bcdToDec(;
  minute = bcdToDec(;
  hour = bcdToDec( & 0b111111); //24 hour time
  weekDay = bcdToDec(; //0-6 -> sunday - Saturday
  monthDay = bcdToDec(;
  month = bcdToDec(;
  year = bcdToDec(;

And get rid of the return statement at the end of printDate().

Make it a void function, as you aren't returning a value.

void printDate(){

Now it working good

Thank you very much! - for all the help from all the people!!

Thanks ! :slight_smile: