Get Google Spreadsheet with ethernet shield

I'm trying to get data from a google spreadsheet.
I'm working with this sketch.
It's run well with the json example: the data are displayed in my serial monitor.

If I replace the serverName by '', and the GET line by


, it doesn't work: I've this error:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

the real URL of my google doc is

I've tried with it too, but the result is the same.
This doc is a public document.
My GET line comes from

I didn't find any example of Google doc on the web.

Do you think it's possible ?


The GET function does not take the protocol and server name as part of the request. That information is provided elsewhere.

The Ethernet shield does not have the necessary memory or processor power or speed to deal with the https protocol.

So I can't do it ?

I have to find how I can automatically and periodically export the google spreadsheet data in a web page.
I can't do it in a page because it's also a https protocol

So I can't do it ?

Not directly.

I have to find how I can automatically and periodically export the google spreadsheet data in a web page.
I can't do it in a page because it's also a https protocol

Set up your own server that the Arduino can talk to using http. Make that server talk to google using https.