Get String from Internet without Wifi Shield

Have a way to connect to the WiFi Network, only to get a string, without using Wi-Fi Shield?

Thank you :slight_smile:

An Ethernet Shield and a cheap WiFi "Game Adapter". Several companies make them, including the Linksys WGA11B (802.11b) and WGA54G (802.11g). They will connect to the strongest open WiFi signal or you can program them for a specific SSID and WEP key. The newer WGA54G might even do WPA2. Available used on eBay for about $20.

Buy cheap radio transmitter and receiver modules from ebay.
Connect them to arduino and connect the arduino to your computer.

Code the arduino to listen for a request (radio receiver). Ask for the string via serial from computer. Transmit the string using a radio transmitter. Your computer could fetch the string and push it to serial using some script.

Computer <--Serial--> Arduino <--> Radio (Transmitter + Receiver)
Arduino <--> Radio (Transmitter + Receiver)