Get Text result

i'm using Arduino Leonardo and i have a question about its abilities.
i want to create some monitoring system.

i can ping with below code when my computer windows7 command prompt is open and my leonardo is connected to my computer.

  Keyboard.print("ping -t");;

the result in command prompt is some thing like this:

C:\Users\programmer>ping -t

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=405ms TTL=48.
Reply from bytes=32 time=403ms TTL=48
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=405ms TTL=48

I want to monitor ping result. How leonardo can understand that ping result has been changed to "Request timed out." ? is it possible only with programming ? does it needs to some extra hardware modules ?

is it possible only with programming ?

Yes. The Leonardo will get a response via the Ethernet connection and you can parse the text to determine what it contains.

How leonardo can understand that ping result has been changed to "Request timed out." ?

It can't. The output from the ping command is not routed to the Arduino.

Thanks Dear PaulS,
Does it impossible at all or i need to buy an Ethernet Module ?
we've just two Ethernet modules available in our country. W5100 and W5100 R3 - 2013. which is better for my work ?

Either W5100 will work. The R3 is probably a newer version, and a better choice.

The W5100 library comes with a Ping example.