Get Weather forecast information from internet

I am wondering if it is possible to get weather information from "" using only the arduino Ethernet library. I'm pretty newb when it comes to networking so im was wondering if anyone can provide any example that i can use as reference for getting data from the internet.

I am wondering if it is possible to get weather information from "" using only the arduino Ethernet library.

If you know what the api's method are, AND the protocol is http, rather than https, yes.

pushing seems not to difficult

for getting check this - Web Client to consume Weather Underground web service (RESTful and JSON formats). This sketch connects to a website ( using an Arduino + Ethernet shield and get data from site. Circuit: * Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 Board. * Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13. Created 07 Jan 2014 by Afonso C. Turcato. Arduino IDE version 1.0.5. ยท GitHub