Do anyone of you guys have a function that takes a date and returns the day of the week.
as there are mathematical rules to what day it is, there should be possible to make such a function, right?
I have seen that some of the clock libraries does this, but i would like a pure function for it. Made a pathetic test myself and i figured that someone out there has already done this:)
Nice! but how do i convert my string(or a bunch of Int:s contining hours, minutes, seconds, days, year etc) to unix time.. im back at using the library for time for this and that feels like a way around the problem? or is it the only solution?
Nice! but how do i convert my string(or a bunch of Int:s contining hours, minutes, seconds, days, year etc) to unix time.. im back at using the library for time for this and that feels like a way around the problem? or is it the only solution?
Ah! Well you didn't specify, how could a person know?
I'd probably just use the Time library unless I had a specific reason not to. It may not be The Best Way (seeing that most things can be improved upon) and it's certainly not the only solution.
I wouldn't disagree that this maybe seems like a lot of work and perhaps brute-force-ish, but it works fine. I use the Time library a lot and haven't felt a need to reinvent that wheel.
#include <Time.h> //
void setup(void)
tmElements_t tm;
time_t t;
tm.Hour = 12; //set the tm structure to 12h34m56s on 01Sep2013
tm.Minute = 34;
tm.Second = 56;
tm.Year = 2013 - 1970; //tmElements_t.Year is the offset from 1970.
tm.Month = 9;
tm.Day = 1;
t = makeTime(tm);
Serial.print(' ');
printI00(day(t), 0);
Serial.print(' ');
printI00(hour(t), ':');
printI00(minute(t), ':');
printI00(second(t), ' ');
Serial.print(weekday(t)); //Sun=1, Mon=2, ... Sat=7
void loop(void)
//Print an integer in "00" format (with leading zero),
//followed by a delimiter character to Serial.
//Input value assumed to be between 0 and 99.
void printI00(int val, char delim)
if (val < 10) Serial.print('0');
if (delim > 0) Serial.print(delim);
Jack: I will try your approach, even if think there must be a simpler way.. i dont know how big the Time library is, but it feels like im including it for one small feature...
Some fiddling with days ==> this code Warning: not tested thoroughly, use at own risk
// FILE: dayOfWeek.ino
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 2013-09-01
// PURPOSE: experimental day of week code (hardly tested)
// Released to the public domain
void setup()
void loop(){}
#define LEAP_YEAR(Y) ( (Y>0) && !(Y%4) && ( (Y%100) || !(Y%400) )) // from time-lib
int dayOfWeek(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day)
uint16_t months[] = {
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }; // days until 1st of month
uint32_t days = year * 365; // days until year
for (uint16_t i = 4; i < year; i += 4) if (LEAP_YEAR(i) ) days++; // adjust leap years, test only multiple of 4 of course
days += months[month-1] + day; // add the days of this year
if ((month > 2) && LEAP_YEAR(year)) days++; // adjust 1 if this year is a leap year, but only after febr
return days % 7; // remove all multiples of 7
Hi there!
I have a little problem with weekday() function.
From the current day, i would like to scroll the next days pushing a button.
Something like this:
if (btn03Pressed) {
// dopo 23 torna a 0
if (RTC.hour > 23) RTC.hour = 0;
// scrivi nell'RTC l'ora impostata
// dopo aver gestito l'evento azzero il flag
btn03Pressed = false; }
I'm using Wire and DS1307 RTC library.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks very much.