Getting a float number from a 4x3 keypad

I'm trying to figure out how to get a number from a 12 digit keypad. The user will know that the asterisk key replicates the decimal point.
I'm familiar with getting integers like this:

float theVal;
byte k = checkKeyBuffer(); //get a keypress from the user
  if (k >= 0 && k <= 9) { //a digit
  theVal = theVal * 10 + k;

But I am totally stumped once they press the decimal point. I've searched and searched on the web. It seems this would be a common issue? I'm guessing once the decimal is pressed, I have to trigger a flag to let it know I'm working on the other side of the decimal point. But what to do from there I'm at a loss.

If it helps, the number the user will be entering will be up to 3 digits before the decimal, and 3 digits after the decimal.

The first digit after the decimal point (asterisk) represents tenths, the second hundredths and the third thousandths,

Or, just put the data in a NULL terminated char array, and call atof() when the user indicates "Done".