Getting ASCII instead of Characters

Hello, I am totally new to Arduino programming, but have searched, and found almost what i wanted, however the programming is not going as well as I would like it to do.

The code is kind of a bodge between bits of code, from different places.

My Problem is that the morsecode transmitter works as it should, however i would like it to show which Character (letter or number) it is transmitting at the moment, and I would like it to do that in the LCD 1602 and the serial

It is at the moment doing that, but it is in the ASCII number for the Character, and not the Character itself. I have used a lot of hours searching for the answer and I can not find any. This is most likely because I am new, and it is not an original code, and i might have messed it up slightly

I ask of you, can you help to figure out what I have done wrong?


char text[] = "test sos";         // Transmittet text

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12);

int ledPin = 13; 
int relaypin = 12;
int tempo = 500;  

void setup () {
 pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
 pinMode (relaypin, OUTPUT);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.write("Sender Morse:");


  Serial.println("Sender Morsekode:");


void start(){                         // rapid blink at startup
 for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
   digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
 delay(7 * tempo);

void dot() {                          // we need more dots
 digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relaypin, LOW);
 delay(1 * tempo);
 digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(relaypin, HIGH);
 delay(1 * tempo);

void dash() {                        // a dash and a splash
 digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relaypin, LOW);
 delay(3 * tempo);
 digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(relaypin, HIGH);
 delay(1 * tempo);

void morse(char letter) {           // time to transmit
Serial.println(letter, DEC);
lcd.print(letter, DEC);

 if (letter == 'a' or letter == 'A') {dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'b' or letter == 'B') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'c' or letter == 'C') {dash(); dot(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'd' or letter == 'D') {dash(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'e' or letter == 'E') {dot();}
 if (letter == 'f' or letter == 'F') {dot(); dot(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'g' or letter == 'G') {dash(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'h' or letter == 'H') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'i' or letter == 'I') {dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'j' or letter == 'J') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'k' or letter == 'K') {dash(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'l' or letter == 'L') {dot(); dash(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'm' or letter == 'M') {dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'n' or letter == 'N') {dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'o' or letter == 'O') {dash(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'p' or letter == 'P') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 'q' or letter == 'Q') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'r' or letter == 'R') {dot(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == 's' or letter == 'S') {dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == 't' or letter == 'T') {dash();}
 if (letter == 'u' or letter == 'U') {dot(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'v' or letter == 'V') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'w' or letter == 'W') {dot(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'x' or letter == 'X') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'y' or letter == 'Y') {dash(); dot(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == 'z' or letter == 'Z') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == '1') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == '2') {dot(); dot(); dash(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == '3') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == '4') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dash();}
 if (letter == '5') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == '6') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == '7') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == '8') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dot(); dot();}
 if (letter == '9') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dot();}
 if (letter == '0') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dash();}
 if (letter == ' ') {delay(5 * tempo);}                        // This makes 7 * tempo for space


 if (letter == 166 or letter == 134) {dot(); dash(); dot(); dash();}     // æ/Æ is recognized as 166/134
 if (letter == 184 or letter == 152) {dash(); dash();dash();dot();}      // ø/Ø is recognized as 184/152
 if (letter == 165 or letter == 133) {dot();dash();dash();dot();dash();} // å/Å is recognized as 165/133

 delay(2 * tempo);      // this makes 3 * tempo for letter end, and 7 * tempo for space

void loop () {
 for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(text); i++) {
Serial.println(letter, DEC);

Hint: you can look up the documentation on Serial.print() to see what the optional parameter DEC does.

Thank you for your response however

Serial.println(letter, DEC);

is already what is in the code, and not working :frowning:


By trial and error, I found the solution

instead of
Serial.println(letter, DEC);

I simply should have used


trial and error for this trivial thing? jremington pointed out what was wrong. read the docs.