I've been banging my head on this for a while and feel like I'm close but just can't get it over the line, so here I am hoping someone out there can help.
I've been using the Moteino Gateway (RFM69/Gateway.ino at master · LowPowerLab/RFM69 · GitHub) and Node (RFM69/Node.ino at master · LowPowerLab/RFM69 · GitHub) sketches to successfully get two Moteino's as well as a Motenio (as the Gateway) and a UNO with an RFM69 attached to communicate together.
From that, I've left the Moteino Gateway in operation and proceeded to try and get the ATTiny84 and RFM69 combo to talk to it.
I used the procedure at this link to program the ATTiny - https://raspberry.tips/raspberrypi-tutorials/diy-temperatur-und-leuftfeuchte-sensoren-mit-rfm69cw-funksender (thank goodness for google translate). It suggests using this sketch - https://raspberry.tips/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DHT22-PCB-Version.txt
I made sure that the 'myNodeID' and 'NODEID' were unique and that the 'network' and 'NETWORKID' were the same.
I also commented out every mention of ENCRYPTKEY in the Gateway so it didn't expect and encrypted packet (as the node sketch doesn't use encryption).
So I then start up the Gateway and view it through the serial monitor, where it say's it's waiting. I then turn on the node and nothing happens.
I have no idea why there is nothing being sent and/or received.
Any idea's or obvious mistakes I've made?