Getting data sent by Wifly into processing (port 80)


I'm trying to get data from local port 80 into my processing sketch but it is not working. I connect my wifly with an adhoc network and send some data into port 80.
When i put on my browser my host ip and local port (something like i can see what was sent to the local port. So I tryed do get that into processing using the following simple WebClient sketch, but it doen't work.

Client myClient;
int dataIn;

void setup() {
size(200, 200);
// Connect to the local machine at port 80.
// This example will not run if you haven't
// previously started a server on this port
myClient = new Client(this, "", 80); //my ip and local port

void draw() {
if (myClient.available() > 0) {
dataIn =;

Somebody can help me with this??

Thanks in advance

On a TCP/IP connection, one side acts as a Client and the other side acts as a Server. Your Processing sketch should act as one and your Arduino sketch should act as the other. Does your Arduino sketch act as a Server or Client?