I live in the UK, and have just bought an Arduino (from Radio Spares). It all works, and I get the flashing LED (blink) as suggested I should. I now want to do more; I used to fiddle with electronics a long time ago.
I find this site a bit messy, and these have passed through into the reference link in the IDE. I don't want to moan about it, I want to help fix it. I have found a few posts in the Forum on the same thing - I am concerned that this might put off new people.
Is there an easy way to get involved to help tidy up the web site? It might be good if there was a section / board devoted to doing this. Are there specific skills anyone needs so they can get involved?
Which website are you referring to?
What do you find messy?
Who do you think might be put-off?
It might be good if there was a section / board devoted to doing this
There are - they're called "Bugs & suggestions", and there's one for hardware, and one for software.
Maybe if you'd spent a little longer looking around, you'd've found them.
Radio Spares? Haven't heard them called that in a very long time.
I followed the instructions at the arduino_cc site and worked out what I need. I installed it. I ran the IDE and looked at the help. If not connected to the internet, a lot of links in there don't work as they refer back to the arduino_cc site, including the images. That is a bit messy.
Back online, and the arduino_cc site links to the Playground. There seems to be lots of links to all sorts of info - I guess I got overwhelmed by the amount - but I was looking for a simple 'what next'. I was not sure if I should look at the first site or the Playground.
The forum - software - bugs... seems to cover too much. I read some comments about the website (font size is a css thing, not a browser setting) but they are hard to find in the long and varied list.
If I wanted to add stuff I learn, create or whatever, I started to wonder where to put it. I was disappointed that there is no obvious message about helping out, nor a list of things that need doing. I also looked at the Web/Forum/Email/Spam section, but it did not have a bit for the Web.
In the end I put this comment in the FAQ, as I thought a question about helping was more general than the website. I figured someone would point out where I should have put it, but it still seems confusing (IDE and 3 web sites with common stuff across them). I did try; I assume someone with less patience might give up.