getting shorts with my hbridge

hey guys i'm using an hbridge to rotate my motor in both directions and using pwm outputs from the arduino to activate each side of the H bridge, but for some reason while the program is running, one side will stay on for a little longer thus causing there to be two inputs into the h-bridge shorting the circuit, i think i programmed it correctly, is there any reason why one output would stay on a little longer then the other? or if there's another way to do this

int left = 10;
int right = 6;

void setup()
pinMode(left, OUTPUT);
pinMode(right, OUTPUT);

void loop()
for (int k=0; k<5; k++)
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)



delay (4000);
delay (10000);

my hbridge looks like this

where one pwm is sent to one side where the other is turned off and vice versa to flip flop the load on the motor

From my experience and general observations, DIY h-bridges from ~simple internet plans rarely actually work.

I can't see what value the base resistors are, but I figure that the inputs could do with a pull-down resistor each, 20K or so (??).
That way, neither can float 'High' (so no inadvertent "on" conditions.)