Getting Started with Itty Bitty City

I just purchased Itty Bitty City and have followed the directions for downloading and installing Microduino 1.8.4. The settings are all correct for Board, Processor, and Port, but I'm getting the error message "Problem uploading to board." I am using a Mac with OSX 10.13.6. Sorry for my lack of knowledge on how to proceed - or how to do a better search for a solution - I'm new to all this. Thanks.

You are probably better of contacting microduino.

But in an attempt to help

Is what you installed?

If so, you can enable show verbose output during upload under file -> preferences; do not enable show verbose output during compilation as it does not provide info related to your problem. Next post the full result here. Somebody might be able to point out what the problem is.

Thanks, sterretje. Yes, that's the file I installed, but I used the Mac (.dmg) version. Here is the last part of the verbose output for the error. I couldn't include it all because it is too long to include in a post here -

Arduino: 1.8.4 (Mac OS X), Board: "Microduino/mCookie-Core (328p), Atmega328P@16M,5V"

. . . . .

In file included from /Applications/Arduino IDE for
motor.h:3: error: 'MOTOR0_PINA' was not declared in this scope
Motor MotorLeft(MOTOR0_PINA, MOTOR0_PINB);

motor.h:3: error: 'MOTOR0_PINB' was not declared in this scope
Motor MotorLeft(MOTOR0_PINA, MOTOR0_PINB);

motor.h:4: error: 'MOTOR1_PINA' was not declared in this scope
Motor MotorRight(MOTOR1_PINA, MOTOR1_PINB);

motor.h:4: error: 'MOTOR1_PINB' was not declared in this scope
Motor MotorRight(MOTOR1_PINA, MOTOR1_PINB);

/var/folders/nh/cgs96pvs3xjbz65skbzh6_w00000gq/T/arduino_build_222100/sketch/motor.h: In function 'void motorRun(int, int)':
motor.h:8: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'setSpeed'

motor.h:9: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'setSpeed'

/var/folders/nh/cgs96pvs3xjbz65skbzh6_w00000gq/T/arduino_build_222100/sketch/motor.h: In function 'void motorFree()':
motor.h:19: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'setSpeed'

motor.h:19: error: 'FREE' was not declared in this scope

motor.h:20: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'setSpeed'

/Applications/Arduino IDE for At global scope:
_01_Windmill:54: error: 'AnalogKey' does not name a type
AnalogKey keyMic(PIN_MIC);

/Applications/Arduino IDE for In function 'void setup()':
_01_Windmill:60: error: 'keyMic' was not declared in this scope

_01_Windmill:61: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'begin'

_01_Windmill:62: error: 'class Motor' has no member named 'begin'

/Applications/Arduino IDE for In function 'void loop()':
Multiple libraries were found for "Microduino_Key.h"
Used: /Users/tom/Library/Arduino15/packages/Microduino/hardware/avr/1.0.1/libraries/_08_Shield_Microduino_Key
Not used: /Applications/Arduino IDE for
Multiple libraries were found for "Microduino_Motor.h"
Used: /Users/tom/Library/Arduino15/packages/Microduino/hardware/avr/1.0.1/libraries/_04_Microduino_Motor
Not used: /Applications/Arduino IDE for
_01_Windmill:73: error: 'keyMic' was not declared in this scope
if (keyMic.readEvent(VOICE_MIN, VOICE_MAX) == SHORT_PRESS)//If MIC Sensor detects noise, then the windmill and LED will activate.

Using library _08_Shield_Microduino_Key in folder: /Users/tom/Library/Arduino15/packages/Microduino/hardware/avr/1.0.1/libraries/_08_Shield_Microduino_Key (legacy)
Using library _07_m_Sensor_Color_LED in folder: /Applications/Arduino IDE for (legacy)
Using library _04_Microduino_Motor in folder: /Users/tom/Library/Arduino15/packages/Microduino/hardware/avr/1.0.1/libraries/_04_Microduino_Motor (legacy)
exit status 1
'MOTOR0_PINA' was not declared in this scope

Some more info: I see that the error refers to this code, with the second line highlighted (this is from a built-in example from Microduino)

#include <Microduino_Motor.h>

Motor MotorLeft(MOTOR0_PINA, MOTOR0_PINB);
Motor MotorRight(MOTOR1_PINA, MOTOR1_PINB);

void motorRun(int left_speed, int right_speed)

//Stops the motors.
void motorBrake() {
//Turns off the motors. Different from motorBrake() because this saves battery.
void motorFree() {

You can copy the full error message to a text file, save that file and attach it to a post. The attach option is not available with quick reply; you have to click the reply button under a post.

It looks like you have a messed up installation (multiple libraries found) but I'm not sure how to go around that.