getting the ascii code instead of the letter

Hello, I am trying to print the initial of an element (say the 3rd) of ARG_NAMES. It does what I want except when I try to print the upper case of the initial in which case I get 73 instead of 'I'

#define sp Serial.print
#define spln Serial.println
#define sp_ sp(F(" "))
byte VALVES_ARG=26;
const char* ARG_NAMES[]={"wdog", "enet", "inet", "email", 
                           "sms", "cloud", "log", "alarm",
                           "night", "armed", "away", "die",
                           "autorun", "irrigate", "spare14", "spare15",
                           "siren", "test", "tank", "infra",
                           "stOpen", "stClose", "poOpen", "poClose",
                           "baOpen", "baClose", "hedge", "orchard",
                           "kitchen", "flamboyant", "tube", "lawn",

void setup() {


void loop() {;}

Can someone please explain why?

Thanks for you help

73 is the ASCII code for I
Use Serial.write

Thanks. It does show the character with Serial.write It's not clear why the difference between the char vs its toupper but never mind

use sp(char(toupper(ARG_NAMES[2][0])));

This will force sp to consider the byte as a char

when I try to print the upper case of the initial in which case I get 73 instead of 'I'

Where do you get this? what is receiving your output? How is it decoding it?

Where do you get this? what is receiving your output? How is it decoding it?

Prints are to the serial monitor; for example that if the ide. I guess ithe monitor takes the transmitted byte and print the corresponding ascii coded char

use sp(char(toupper(ARG_NAMES[2][0])));

This will force sp to consider the byte as a char

Neat! Thanks

I like the

#define sp Serial.print
#define spln Serial.println
#define sp_ sp(F(" "))