Hello, I am trying to print the initial of an element (say the 3rd) of ARG_NAMES. It does what I want except when I try to print the upper case of the initial in which case I get 73 instead of 'I'
#define sp Serial.print
#define spln Serial.println
#define sp_ sp(F(" "))
byte VALVES_ARG=26;
const char* ARG_NAMES[]={"wdog", "enet", "inet", "email",
"sms", "cloud", "log", "alarm",
"night", "armed", "away", "die",
"autorun", "irrigate", "spare14", "spare15",
"siren", "test", "tank", "infra",
"stOpen", "stClose", "poOpen", "poClose",
"baOpen", "baClose", "hedge", "orchard",
"kitchen", "flamboyant", "tube", "lawn",
void setup() {
void loop() {;}
Can someone please explain why?
Thanks for you help