getting the least significant bit from a byte

hi everyone,

this is for sure an easy task for all c experts out here in the forum, but hard to get for me. for the communication with an I2C device I need to determine a if a specific bit is set or not in a byte I'm receiving from the Wire library (this contains a status update on if or if not there's a new value ready to be read).

i.e. byte b = 110 // (or 0x6 in hex) I need to check if the '0' is really a '0' independently from the other bits

I hope it is clear what I'm trying to do? Thanks in advance for your help. Once I'm getting the communication between the arduino and the AD7746 running I'll post the code. (if you already know how to do this head forward ->


The Arduino way:

byte x = B001;

boolean leastSignificant = bitRead(x,0);
if (b & 0x01)
  Serial.println("low order bit is 1");
  Serial.println("low order bit is 0");


thanks for the incredibly fast replies! I've simply overlooked the bitRead() stuff.
In the meanwhile, I've found a comprehensive explanation using bitwise operators. I supposed bitRead() is realized somehow like that. learning by doing?