Firstly, my aim is to be able to input a fade time in seconds such as
float fadeTime = 1.f;
I come from a game programming background, and if I were trying to make a light go from full dark to full bright I would do
brightness += (1 / fadeTime) * deltaTime;
with deltaTime being the the time since the last loop as a fraction of a second, and 1 / fadeTime giving me the correct amount to multiply deltaTime with so that after 1 second brightness will have reached its full amount.
I'm absolutely useless at maths, and I'm trying to figure out how I would get that deltaTime value. In a games engine it would usually end up being ridiculously small like 0.00014 but I just don't know how to convert from unsigned long to float in this way.
Use it as I've shown above, to be able to give a time in seconds that I want the LED to fade up, and calculate the amount I need to add each loop so that it increases at a steady amount. I realise I've been a bit stupid though, and I can just do
#include "Arduino.h"
uint32_t oldTime;
float deltaTime;
void setup() {
// Using micros instead of millis for a better resolution
// When doing so, the time between loops cannot be greater than about 70 mins
// In the rare case of having such a long-term program, you must use millis
oldTime = micros();
void loop() {
// Get the time difference and convert to seconds
// In case of using millis, divide by 1000.0 to get seconds
deltaTime= (micros() - oldTime) / 1000000.0;
oldTime = micros();
// Now deltaTime is the time since the last update in seconds
void setup() {
// Using micros instead of millis for a better resolution
// When doing so, the time between loops cannot be greater than about 70 mins
// In the rare case of having such a long-term program, you must use millis
oldTime = micros();
void loop() {
// Get the time difference and convert to seconds
// In case of using millis, divide by 1000.0 to get seconds
deltaTime= (micros() - oldTime) / 1000000.0;
oldTime = micros();
// Now deltaTime is the time since the last update in seconds