Hi i a trying to get the gif player to play a gif when a push button is pressed works to a extent the crashes ware am i going wrong please help here is my adapted code.
Animated GIFs Display Code for SmartMatrix and 32x32 RGB LED Panels
This file contains code to enumerate and select animated GIF files by name
Written by: Craig A. Lindley
#if defined (ARDUINO)
#include <SD.h>
#elif defined (SPARK)
#include "sd-card-library-photon-compat/sd-card-library-photon-compat.h"
File file;
int numberOfFiles;
bool fileSeekCallback(unsigned long position) {
return file.seek(position);
unsigned long filePositionCallback(void) {
return file.position();
int fileReadCallback(void) {
return file.read();
int fileReadBlockCallback(void * buffer, int numberOfBytes) {
return file.read(buffer, numberOfBytes);
int initSdCard(int chipSelectPin) {
// initialize the SD card at full speed
pinMode(chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
if (!SD.begin(chipSelectPin))
return -1;
return 0;
bool isAnimationFile(const char filename []) {
if (filename[0] == '_')
return false;
if (filename[0] == '~')
return false;
if (filename[0] == '.')
return false;
String filenameString = String(filename).toUpperCase();
if (filenameString.endsWith(".GIF") != 1)
return false;
return true;
// Enumerate and possibly display the animated GIF filenames in GIFS directory
int enumerateGIFFiles(const char *directoryName, boolean displayFilenames) {
numberOfFiles = 0;
File directory = SD.open(directoryName);
if (!directory) {
return -1;
File file = directory.openNextFile();
while (file) {
if (isAnimationFile(file.name())) {
if (displayFilenames) {
file = directory.openNextFile();
return numberOfFiles;
// Get the full path/filename of the GIF file with specified index
void getGIFFilenameByIndex(const char *directoryName, int index, char *pnBuffer) {
char* filename;
// Make sure index is in range
if ((index < 0) || (index >= numberOfFiles))
File directory = SD.open(directoryName);
if (!directory)
File file = directory.openNextFile();
while (file && (index >= 0)) {
filename = file.name();
if (isAnimationFile(file.name())) {
// Copy the directory name into the pathname buffer
strcpy(pnBuffer, directoryName);
// Append the filename to the pathname
strcat(pnBuffer, filename);
file = directory.openNextFile();
int openGifFilenameByIndex(const char *directoryName, int index) {
char pathname[30];
getGIFFilenameByIndex(directoryName, index, pathname);
pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
int sensorVal = digitalRead(9);
//print out the value of the pushbutton
Serial.print("pathname: ");
if (sensorVal == LOW)
file = SD.open(pathname);
else if (!file)
Serial.println("Error opening GIF file");
return -1;
return 0; }