I have purchased 2 arduino giga displays and 2 arduino giga r1 WiFi’s. Both will not function. I have downloaded all proper libraries according to the Arduino setup guide https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/giga-display-shield/getting-started/ for the giga displays and also all required library’s for the giga r1 WiFi.
None of the examples will work on the giga display EXCEPT for the RGB example, that does work properly making the displays RGB led flash through the sequence.
I can tell that when I pull the display off and put it back on that it does have power because the backlight seems to light up.
But after trying every example code there is with all of the libraries downloaded on both displays and separate giga r1 WiFi boards, I just can’t seem to get anything to come up. It’s always just a black screen with no activity.
Has anyone else had issues getting the display to just simply run the example code?
When I uploaded any example code other than the RGB example code, there was no errors during the upload process, but there was also no results as well. Blank screen the whole time I tried to unplug the display from the giga R1 after the code was uploaded and while powered up to see if I could notice any loose connections, causing it to start working, but that was not the case
And again the RGB code example code worked fine
I originally thought maybe I had a lemon on my first display, so I bought a second display and a second giga R1 board and had the same exact results
Hi, I observed the screen being blank each time. I have “successful uploads” each time, so no errors. I can tell the back light is powered because when I unplug the display while powered up I can barely see the backlight turn off.
I have been going back and forth with Arduino tech support for 2 days and I have accomplished all the things they have asked me to do, and there is no progress. The only thing that stands out to me is they sent a picture of a chip and asked if my similar chip on the giga r1 had the same model number. Mine did not… they asked if it was hot and my flir camera did not pickup any abnormalities. I’m guessing there example chip may have been linked to issues overheat…
I have purchased 2 giga displays thinking the first one was a lemon, now I’m wondering if any one has a working set? I would pay for a working pair if I could just see proof that the giga r1 and giga display function together. I don’t care about getting a warranty replacement, I just need a working situation. But it feels like Arduino tech support is lost with no answers and asking the same things over and over because 2 tech support agents are working the case. And they are not paying attention to the responses I give in the email chain.
To date, with tech support, I have I have (1.) uploaded the SDRAM sketch to find out “SDRAM completely functional.” (2.) Confirmed all solder pins are soldered and in tact. (3.) Recorded video of 7 different example sketches not working. (4.) I Confirmed the ESMT chip was not the same as their P27QM22, mine ended in Р3А1012. (5) confirmed the Mbed OS Giga board version was up to date. (6) burned the boot loader. (7) updated the WiFi firm ware on the GIGA (8) restarted the machine (9) restarted the computer (10) answered a handful of questions (11) sent a handful of pics and videos
I hate to suggest the obvious, but I had a similar problem when I bought my first GIGA last year. Be sure to install the GIGA display on the BOTTOM of the GIGA WiFi, thus leaving the expansion ports accessible. Also be sure the little rubber spaces are removed from both display connectors and they are fully inserted.
Sure, fair question… but yes to answer your assertion, I have it connected correctly. Thanks for asking though. With Tech Support and The handful of things that they had me try even Tech Support couldn’t get it working so that definitely helps validate that it’s not something simple like plugging it in backwards. Cheers and thank you.