GIGA Fritzing and/or STEP files

Are there any plans to release support files for Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi in STEP file format?
Will a Fritzing part be made available soon?


Forget Fritzing diagrams, they are usually misleading, if not completely useless. On this forum, clear, hand drawn wiring diagrams are preferred.


Hi @baqwas , we have added the STEP file, you can find it at:

At this time, there's no plan on adding a Fritzing file.

Have a great day!

Thanks, @ksoderby.

PTC Onshape imported the STEP file with two errors for the same topology - PTS820J20KSMTRLFS faulty topology. Not an issue for my use; don't know if this is an Onshape issue but really not worth resolving unless another app (e.g. Fusion) reports it too. Superficially nothing seems to be missing at first glance.

Really appreciate making these secondary files available. Two personal interests (apart from the many other uses):

  • Attaching other vendor accessories (e.g. Arducam) to GIGA to design enclosure boards (with my limited CAD exposure)
  • Preparing simple audio-visual animation for a wider audience
