I am having an issue with my cloud based sketch using the GiGa R1.
The sketch is simple. Using a switch on a dashboard I am turning a led off and on a breadboard. The switch does turn it on and off. The problem is that without touching the switch the led cycles on and off every minute or so. Using the Thing screen the status of the bool variable stays constant through out the led cycling on and off.
Below is a truncated print out of the Serial Monitor. The GiGa seems to cycle between having a WiFi connection and not having a WiFi connection. This seems to account for the LED cycling on and off.
One more thing the serial port also looses connection momentarily after the
"Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04". The moment is under 30 seconds or so.
Ultimate question is why is the GiGa WiFi cycling between being connected and not being connected?
Thanks in advance for any insight.
Serial Monitor Output Start
Connected to "River Network"
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_SubscribeDeviceTopic could not subscribe to /a/d/56cb408a-767e-40d8-a85c-e6ddfeb63b4e/e/i
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_Disconnect MQTT client connection lost
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Connected to "River Network"
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Connected to "River Network"
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Connected to "River Network"
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_SubscribeThingTopics could not subscribe to /a/t/38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04/shadow/i
Check your thing configuration, and press the reset button on your board.
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_Disconnect MQTT client connection lost
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Connected to "River Network"
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Connection to "River Network" failed
Retrying in "500" milliseconds
Connected to "River Network"
Connected to Arduino IoT Cloud
Thing ID: 38dc2419-ff85-4993-9075-8f70307f0a04
Serial Monitor Output End
Pattern repeats every minute or so.....